Weekly Bulletin 20 May 2021

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 20th May 2021   Dear Parents and Carers,     I thought you might like to see this picture of the children visiting the allotment this week. They somehow managed to escape most of the rain and by the time they returned the sun...

Weekly Bulletin 13 May 2021

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 13th May 2021 Dear Parents and Carers,   Wishing all our families who are celebrating a very happy Eid ul fitr today.   Thank you all for helping to make our bake and cake stall such a success yesterday.  It was lovely to have so...

Weekly Bulletin 6 May 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,   We are really looking forward to seeing you for parent consultations next week. For Nest parents please come to your usual entrance where staff can meet you. Nursery parents please come to the main office entrance, ring the bell, and...

Email to Parents

Dear Parents   Please find attached a letter from the Local Authority which they have sent out in response to rising Covid cases in Cambridgeshire. A number of these cases are related to schools, so we still need to be continuing to be cautious as we move...

Weekly Bulletin 29 April 2021

WEEKLY BULLETIN – 29 APRIL 2021         Dear Parents and Carers   I hope you have all had a good week.  Here at Homerton it has been busy with our photographer visiting.  The children have had a lot of fun having their photos taken both individually and...
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