Starting at Homerton

New Parents’ Information Sharing Events

For children starting in September we either hold a new parents’ evening here on site, or have a chat with you over the phone, to share relevant information together.

You are also offered a home visit time for September.

At your home visit you will be given an ‘All About Me’ book to complete and bring back to Homerton on your child’s first day with us.

Drop-Ins and Visits

We offer you the opportunity to be shown around the centre before your child starts.

Nest children start in very small groups to allow them to quickly get to know their key workers.

Nursery children start in larger groups and we offer drop-in sessions for children to help familiarise them with Homerton. This takes place in July or September.

The first 3 days….and beyond

We have a gradual admissions procedure. Children stay for an hour on their first day. We ask you to stay with your child for this time, helping them to feel safe and secure, talking to us, and getting to know our routines.

After the first day, your child’s time is increased according to their needs. Some children need a longer settling in period and we are flexible in our approach. We have a great deal of experience in settling children and work together with you to achieve a smooth start.

Some children starting will have been to playgroup before, others not, but for all of them Homerton will be a new experience. New situations can be challenging and fun, but exhausting. You may even find they don’t want to talk with you about all the lovely things they’ve done. This is entirely normal, so try not to ask them too many questions. Staff are always willing to talk with you about how your child is managing, so do have a quick word with them at the beginning or end of the session. If you feel you need more time, you can ask for a separate appointment.

Starting Lunches and Owlets

Children may start to stay for extended times from when they are settled in their classes. Before then we familiarise them with any new rooms and staff, and known adults help them to settle.

Parents may wish to help their child settle into extended sessions by visiting Owlets together.

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