Homerton News

Weekly Bulletin 12 February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers     It was very nice to see so many of you at our weekly zoom on Wednesday. A huge thank you goes to Dong, Jacqui, Mitali and Rachel for making it such a special and informative zoom based on the Spring Festival known as Chinese New...

Weekly Bulletin 5 February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers   Hope you are all doing OK? It is very nice to feel that Spring is nearly here today - with the sun shining and birds singing. I know we have a prediction of snow to follow so let us see what the weekend brings. We plan to be open as...

Weekly Bulletin 29 January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers   Firstly I hope you have all had a good week.   It was lovely to see many of you on the zoom yesterday and so sorry about the technical problems in getting you all connected initially. I think we all really enjoyed the story of The...

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