Weekly Bulletin – 21 July 2021

        Dear Parents   These two photos come to wish you a very happy Summer break from all of us at Homerton.  On Monday the children had an unexpected treat watching a plane creating the smoke trail smiley face right above Homerton garden!...

Weekly Bulletin – 16 July 2021

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 16TH July 2021 Dear Parents and Carers We thought you might enjoy seeing some photos of our Claytime story telling session with Sally and Steve this week. The children absolutely loved the session.  Steve got the children to make up a story,...

Weekly Bulletin – 8 July 2021

    Homerton Weekly Bulletin 8th July 2021       Dear Parents   This week the children have been busy harvesting the potatoes that they planted in the Spring.  This photo shows the crop from East Room – they grew 150 potatoes from an...

Weekly Bulletin 7 June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers   It has been great to see everyone arriving back this week along with the sunshine. I hope you all had a good half term break.   If you come to Homerton past the allotments you may have noticed our newly painted and decorated shed.  A big...

Weekly Bulletin 20 May 2021

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 20th May 2021   Dear Parents and Carers,     I thought you might like to see this picture of the children visiting the allotment this week. They somehow managed to escape most of the rain and by the time they returned the sun...
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