Weekly Bulletin 29.6.18

Dear Parents Hope you are all coping in the heat. We have been trying hard to keep the children cool with lots of shaded play, and drinks of water throughout the day and they have done really well. Our caterpillars have also arrived and are now in each class, changing...

Weekly Bulletin 25.6.18

Dear Parents We have had a busy week here at Homerton with all the Nursery classes going on coaches to Wandlebury. The trips were a great success and enjoyed by all. A big thank you to all the parent helpers who came on the trip. Events to look forward to are as...

‘Nest’ Cake Sale

Dear Parents The Nest are holding a cake sale on Tuesday 26th June. If you would like to bake a cake to help the Nest please bring in on Tuesday morning. Don’t forget your pennies! Harriet Riches Nest Room Leader

Weekly Bulletin 18.5.18

Dear Parents Here are the highlights for the coming week… Thank you to all of you for making The Bear Hunt such a fun event on Wednesday…the children are still going up and down the corridor chanting ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’, which is great. Please note that the...

Bulletin 11.5.18

Dear Parents Here are the highlights for the coming week… WEDNESDAY 16TH MAY is the BEAR HUNT DAY – An opportunity for parents and children to enjoy acting the Bear Hunt story (which the children now know very well!), together in the garden when you drop off…please do...

Bulletin 4 May 2018

Dear Parents Here are the highlights for the coming week… • CENTRE IS CLOSED ON MONDAY 7TH MAY AS IT IS BANK HOLIDAY. • WEDNESDAY 9TH MAY – CAKE STALL run by South Room. Please can you make and buy cakes to raise funds for outdoor equipment and allotment planting...
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