Weekly Bulletin – 4 July 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, We have been enjoying the really wonderful weather here at Homerton this with lots of water play outside and watching our caterpillars in the class turning into chrysalis.  Those children who visited Morley all seem to have had a very positive...

Weekly Bulletin – 27 June 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, This week has been very exciting for the children with all of us going to Wandlebury either yesterday or tomorrow for the Nest.  Thank you to all the parents, staff and volunteers who helped to make this trip so successful. Please do look at...

Weekly Bulletin – 20 June 2019

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 20th June 2019 Dear Parents and Carers, A very big thank you for all your fundraising support over the year. Our Really Wheelie event raised £508.70 and the Cake sale yesterday £155.25.  On our training day in May we had a really good sort out...

Weekly Bulletin – 13 June 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, The Really Wheelie Trail yesterday was a lot of fun. The children did really well persevering to complete their 4 laps of the garden with a variety of wheeled toys.  Thank you to Ross, and all the parents, for helping to make this such a...


Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you all for coming along and joining in so enthusiastically with the Bear Hunt yesterday. The children really enjoyed acting out this favourite story. The event was made even better by this gorgeous weather and Rachel playing her violin....

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 9th May 2019

Homerton Weekly Bulletin 9th May 2019 Dear Parents and Carers, We have lots of exciting events at Homerton coming up next week so here are the details for you… BEAR HUNT Wednesday 15th May at drop off times in the morning and afternoon. Please do make time, if you...
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