Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

8th  March 2023




Dates for your diary:


Wednesday 15th March – Cake stall fundraiser for Homerton and Turkish Earthquake appeal

Friday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day

Sunday 19th March –  Mother’s Day

Wednesday 22nd March – Eggstravaganza event for parents and children 8.45-9.30am – more information on this will follow later.

23rd March – Ramadan begins

Wednesday 29th March – Easter Raffle – donations needed please- eg Easter eggs, toiletries, and new books

Friday 31st March – Term ends


Reminders and Requests:


Cake Sale Wednesday 15th March

We need you to bake and buy!

Please can you bake, or buy, something at our fundraising Cake Sale next Wednesday 15th – Please also bring some money to buy cakes (we can’t take cards). The proceeds from the Cake Sale are to be split between Homerton and the Turkish Earthquake appeal, as we have staff and families who have Turkish relatives and friends who have been affected.



Homerton is looking for lunch supervisors to join our friendly and experienced team either on regular days, or on a supply basis. If anyone in the community knows of anyone who might be interested in doing lunch at Homerton 11.30-1.00pm, on a couple of days, we would love to hear from them. No previous experience is needed just an interest and enjoyment of working with children aged 3-4.


Easter Raffle – Wednesday 29th March – Please can we ask for donations for the raffle boxes which Tracey is making up eg Easter eggs, toiletries, new books etc              


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents

We have had an exciting week with the arrival of 10 eggs with an incubator in the Library on Monday.  Some of the eggs have already started to hatch and children have been lucky enough to see this amazing event, as the chicks peck their way out of their shells and gradually emerge. When they first hatch they are initially very tired and wet, but within a few hours their feathers fluff up and they are walking around.  We move them out of the incubator into a larger container 24 hours after they have hatched, as they initially need to be warm. It is lovely to hear the wonder in children’s and adults voices just outside my office as they watch this amazing lifecycle.


If you get the chance to come and see the chicks with your child please do …you are very welcome.


Our main event next week besides the chicks, is the fundraising cake sale on Wednesday – so please do contribute to this in any way you can.


Our Core texts this half of term are ‘Handa’s Hen’, by Eileen Browne – this fits in very well with the theme of new life, and involves lots of counting.  We are also focusing on the book ‘Grandma Went to Market’, by Stella Blackstone which is a counting rhyme focusing on different parts of the world.


We love to encourage children and parents to enjoy stories together, so classes are putting a box outside their rooms with Library books that can be borrowed from us on a weekly basis.  Please sign them out in the folder and return them to us after a week.


I would also like to draw your attention to information for Cambridgeshire parents that is available on the following Local Authority website:-



Covid/Medical Update: We have children with temperatures and some sickness and diarrhoea in the Centre, so please keep your child at home for a full 24 hours after no temperate, and 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and diarrhoea as this will help to prevent the spread.
Some of our Learning this week     


A lot of activities have been going on across the classrooms this week so here is a flavour of what your children have been doing.



How many eggs are there? And how many chicks will hatch out?


Here is our first one hatching out yesterday and a little bit exhausted.


The same chick all fluffed up this morning, and another one pecking it’s way  out of the shell.







Some classes have also enjoyed hearing an Italian version of Elmer and eating Italian treats known as Castognole.




The Nest have been making pizza!

It looks delicious!


Children have also been playing parachute games


and doing some more colour mixing experiments using different types of paints including watercolour powder paints and ready mix paints.








Our final picture is of Nest children exploring our new sensory colour tiles which we have bought with your kind donations.


With Best wishes from us all and have fun baking together!



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