Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

13th  March 2024




Dates for your diary:

Mid-March Parent Consultations for Nursery children in East, South and West Rooms – please sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside your child’s room.

Wednesday 20th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend.

Wednesday 27th March – Easter Raffle – cash only £1.00 per ticket

Thursday 28th March – Last Day of Spring Term

Monday 15th April – Summer Term begins



Reminders and Requests:


The Eggstravaganza is an event for parents and children to enjoy together and takes place on 20th March – Please allow 15 or 20 minutes at the start of the session, between 8.45-9.30am, to accompany your child around the main Nursery garden, and learn about eggs and lifecycles together. If your child doesn’t attend until the afternoon that day, or attends on a different day, please do bring them along to this Eggstravaganza session, as it is both very educational and a lot of fun.



Children washing hands after going to the toilet

We have noticed that some of our children forget to wash their hands after they go to the toilet, so we were wondering if you could help by reminding your child to do this at home too – this all helps with prevention of sickness and diarrhoea and it is a good habit to get into. Your support with this is much appreciated.


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents


I am very pleased to be able to tell you that all 10 eggs hatched successfully by the end of last week. The children have been enjoying watching their daily changes and development.  The chicks have visited each class this week, and everyone has been observing, drawing and holding them. It has also been lovely to see so many adults in our Library area sharing in the excitement of the chicks. They are with us until Friday when they return to their farm, so if you haven’t yet had a chance to see them please do pop in at the beginning, or end, of your child’s session to see how they are doing. I hope you enjoy all the photos as the end of the bulletin featuring the chicks.


Next week our big event is the Eggstravaganza which takes place on Wednesday 20th March between 8.45-9.30am. This is an event for parents and children to come and learn about life cycles together, and fits in well with our current egg hatching project. All parents and children, both from The Nest and Nursery, are invited to spend 20 minutes at the start of the morning session exploring the activities that are set up in the main Nursery garden. Do come along if you are able to – it is a great learning opportunity for all.


This week we are having parent consultations for our Nursery children – please can we ask that you fill in the parent questionnaire that I am attaching again. We really value your thoughts and comments about Homerton, and the service we provide for families, so if you are able to complete the questionnaire, and return it to us either, in paper copy, or on-line, that would be very much appreciated. If you prefer to keep your responses anonymous then please do. Completed questionnaires can be put in the box outside the main office window.


Our Easter raffle takes place on the 27th March. Tracey has made up some beautiful looking raffle boxes containing all your kind donations so thank you again for those. You can only buy tickets on the day, which will be £1.00 each, cash only please.  Proceeds from the raffle will go towards some of our summer activities and event.


It has continued to be rather wet this week and you will see just how much fun children have been having in our gardens as they love going out in all weathers. I am hoping it may be dry for our Eggstravaganza next week!


We wanted to wish all our Irish families a very happy St Patrick’s Day on Sunday 17th March.  St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Molly, Bernie’s niece, is hoping to come and do an Irish dancing demonstration for the children next week.

Medical Update: We still have some children with temperatures and sickness and diarrhoea in the Centre.  Please keep your child at home for a full 24 hours after no temperature, and 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and diarrhoea as this will help to prevent the spread.
Some of our Learning this week     


Children in each class have been doing some observational drawings of the chicks







They have also had the chance to hold them at circle times














The children have been enjoying being pirates in the large sandpit area sailing their boat on the stormy seas and searching for hidden treasure





Relaxing whilst enjoying a book on the sofa and acting out our Core story ‘My Granny went to Market’ using our magic carpet as a prop





Improving our ball skills by learning how to throw and catch a ball and using a bat to push it all




Our garden focus this week is a spring treasure hunt, the pictures are hidden around the garden and children find them and then stick them on our Velcro board, counting how many of each picture they have found on the picture bar graph.





With Best Wishes from us all at Homerton Nursery


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