Homerton News

Weekly Bulletin 5 March 2021

Dear Parents   We are very much looking forward to having everyone back together in the week beginning Monday 8th March. As a welcome back and celebration of Spring we would like every family in the Centre to have a little plant to take home during the week. ...

Weekly Bulletin 26 February 2021

Dear Parents   I hope you are all well and enjoying the sudden arrival of Spring.  The children here at Homerton have really enjoyed being able to run in the garden with their coats off.   Next week’s zoom story on Wednesday is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’,...

Weekly Bulletin 22 February 2021

Dear Parents   I hope you have all had a good half term and a bit of a break from home schooling for those helping children with that.   Please find attached the planning for the coming week which is all based around Jack and the Beanstalk – thank you to Liz...

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