Homerton News

Weekly Bulletin 10 November 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 10th November 2022   Message from the Head Teacher:   Dear Parents and Carers   It was very nice to see so many of our Nursery parents at our information sharing session on how we learn and play at Homerton...

Weekly Bulletin 3 November 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 2nd November 2022   Message from the Head Teacher:   Dear Parents and Carers   I hope you have all had a good half term break.  Thank you to Mel, Bridget and the staff who ran holiday club which was very...

Weekly Bulletin 20 October 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 20th October 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: Dear Parents and Carers   Thank you for your help in getting children settled into Homerton this half of term.  Just a quick reminder that next week is half...

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