Having Fun at Home
What can parents and carers do?
You are your child’s first teacher. You can help your child to learn and develop anywhere, anytime, for example through …
Being generous with praise and cuddles
Talking about pictures and reading stories together
Playing games and singing nursery rhymes
Talking about what you see in the park or on the street
Counting the stairs as you go up and down or the cutlery on the table
Have a look at our Learning together through play suggestions or the Playful ideas from Homerton staff for more ideas.
We would also like to share with you some of our favourite songs and rhymes. Click here to see Homerton staff sharing them with you and you can find the words in our Songs and Rhymes we enjoy download.

Learning together through play (PDF)

Songs and Rhymes we enjoy (PDF)

Playful ideas from Homerton staff (PDF)