Weekly Bulletin – 1 February 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, We have had a very exciting week here at Homerton with our guest storyteller, Marion Leeper, telling ‘Stories in the Dark’, in her beautiful tent which just fitted into the Library! The snow has also been enjoyed by all, and lots of children...

Homerton Weekly Bulletin – January 21 2019

Homerton Weekly Bulletin January 21st 2019 Dear Parents and Carers, Goldilocks and the Three Bears is this half term’s core book and the children are busy acting out the story as well as enjoying making and eating lots of porridge with different toppings. The children...

Weekly Bulletin – 11 January 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,   Firstly a very big thank you to all of you for your help and support with our Save Nursery Schools campaign.  Heidi Allen, the Local MP for Homerton, has written a very supportive letter to the Education Minister, on our behalf, and we...

Weekly Bulletin – 7 December 2018

Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you very much for coming along and enjoying our Story Trail …the magic of a real baby, as Jesus, is always a real highlight for the children. The raffle raised the grand sum of £344, thank you to everyone who helped – by donating...

Save Nursery Schools – 28 November 2018

Dear Parents and Carers, As I mentioned in the weekly bulletin Nursery school funding is at risk again. We are holding a public meeting on Tuesday 4th December at the Fields, Galfrid Road, Cambridge, CB5 8ND at 7.00 pm to decide on what we can do to lobby parliament...

Weekly Bulletin – 28 November 2018

Homerton Weekly Bulletin November 28th 2018 Dear Parents and Carers,   Homerton is suddenly starting to feel like Christmas is just around the corner!   Please see the diary date reminders below.   A couple of other things to mention are we are shortly going...
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