Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

8th July 2024

Dates for your diary:

Nest Green trip to Nightingale Park is now planned for Tuesday 16th July 9.30-11.30am – Please let class staff know if you can help with this…It’ll be third time lucky with the weather we hope!


Other dates

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Senco Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator. Please do come along.


Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend at either 11am, or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents.

The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best, but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Wednesday 24th July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:


Summer Holiday Club booking is open, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning this Wednesday for any parents who would like to attend, it is on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am.


Nest Nightingale Park Trips

Nest Green are now planning to go to Nightingale Park on Tuesday 16th July – Please let class know if you are able to help with this.


Gate Request

For parents who use the entrance gate opposite our main office could we request that you close it every time you come in, or out, in order to keep all our children safe.

Message from Headteacher


Dear Parents and Carers


We hope that you have all been enjoying looking at your child’s Special Books. I am sure you will join me in thanking the staff for putting them together as a record of your child’s year here.


Tracey has sent you an email earlier today asking for any comments from you on your child’s experiences here at Homerton – Your comments are very useful for us to have, not only to improve our service to families, but also to have evidence for Ofsted who may well be visiting in the coming year.


Just a reminder that on Wednesday this week, the 10th July, we have an end of year singing celebration for children and parents to attend.  The event takes place in the main nursery garden at 11.00am and 2.30pm.  Parents can attend either of these times, but we suggest that Nest, South morning and East Red parents come in the morning, and East Blue and West parents come in the afternoon. East Purple and South Red parents please choose whichever session suits you best. Please enter via the park pond gate.

In the morning we are lucky enough to have a parent who plays the acoustic guitar accompanying us singing some songs.


I shall make sure I put some photos of the event in next week’s bulletin, which will be our last of the term.


Covid/Medical Update: Nothing in particular to report although some children seem to be suddenly getting high temperatures.
Some of the Learning this week


Nest Yellow children enjoyed a trip to Nightingale Park last week so I thought you might like to see a few photos of this event.

Doing a treasure hunt to find the object in the photos


Making a beautiful book mark



Enjoying some parachute play including hopping and sleeping bunnies




East Room also enjoyed a book called ‘Archimedes Bath’, which is all about exploring water displacement when animals are added into a bath of water – the children were really engaged in watching Bernie as she added additional animals to her bath, with lots of questions and anticipation about whether the water was going to overflow or not?! The children continued experimenting the next day with animals and bowls of water in the class water tray.










The Nest have also been doing some exploring of water play seeing if they can pour water from a container in order to turn the water wheels.






There has also been quite a maths theme this week with games of snap and more counting out of potatoes.





West Room dug out a total of 33 new potatoes, grown from 3 original seed potatoes which were planted back in April. The children predicted the number of potatoes that they thought would have grown before digging them out – Dong ended up being the person who guessed correctly with 33!






We are still waiting for the butterflies to hatch so I have my fingers crossed they will move on to this stage next week in time for the end of term!


Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.



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