Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin
5th March 2025
Message from the Head Teacher:
Dear Parents
I think we are all enjoying seeing some sunshine this week.
This week we have been enjoying ‘Carnevale’, which is particularly celebrated in Italy during this time. Antonella our Italian West Room teaching assistant, led the class in singing and dancing on Friday and we all had a lot of fun. One of our South Room parents has also come in to talk about this festival with the children, and I have seen a number of children leaving the Centre holding the beautiful masks they have created.
This week we are also celebrating Shrove Tuesday which is also known as Pancake Day. Children are going to be enjoying making and eating pancakes with us throughout the week.
We are also celebrating World Book Day/Week and our Nursery classes have started their visits to Rock Road Library in order to enjoy this great local resource. If you haven’t visited Rock Road library it is has a wonderful children’s room with many picture books and a beautiful garden with lovely spring flowers, so do pop along sometime. We are very grateful to The Friends of Rock Road Library and the Library team, for welcoming us so warmly, reading the children a story and sending them all home with the gift of a book. A big thank you also goes to all our parents and volunteers who are helping us on these trips. I am attaching some information about the Library should any families want to join and borrow books.
Wednesday 5th March is World Book Day – If your child would like to bring in their favourite story at some stage during this week, or next, then we would love to share it with the class. Please put your child’s name in any book that they bring in.
We have also started asking parents and children to take part in our fun name the quilt activity. A big thank you to Bob’s wife Margaret for making it in the first place. If you and your child would like to take part then please bring in £1.00 and choose a name from the list. Once all the names have been chosen we will open the sealed envelope, which Margaret has given us, and see who the lucky winner is! All money raised from this event will go towards funding our Homerton ‘Living Eggs’ project.
Parent consultations for Nursery parents are starting to take place both this week, and next, and we are asking all parents if they could fill in an anonymous questionnaire in order that we can improve our offer to families.
Mitali Peckham, our East Room teacher, will be doing a Parent Workshop focusing on Maths at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th March, so please do book a babysitter and come along.
Just a reminder that on Wednesday 26th March we are holding our ‘Eggstravaganza’ celebration which focuses on Spring and New Life – this is an event for all parents and children to enjoy together in our garden at drop off time – 8.45am-9.30am.
On Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30am we are holding a Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator.
We are having our Easter fund raising raffle on the 2nd April – Please donate a raffle prize for this event by Friday 14th March if you can, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies. Tickets will be £1.00 and funds raised will go towards continuing to develop our Nest 2 year old garden.
Medical Update: We continue to have some cases of Chicken pox throughout the Centre. |
Some of the Learning this week
South Room’s visit to Rock Road Library and enjoying a story in their beautiful garden read by Veronica
Having fun exploring the garden
Sharing stories together at the library
Classes have been enjoying making pancakes
….and eating them!
Carnevale dancing celebrations in our Rainbow Room
Dates for your diary
Week beginning Monday 3rd of March –World Book Day/Week Week beginning 3rd March Parent Consultations for Nursery children in East, South and West Rooms – please sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside your child’s room. Friday 14th March – Holi Spring Festival begins Monday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day Tuesday 18th March – 7.30pm-8.45pm Maths workshop – for parents led by Mitali Peckham our East Room teacher – so please book a babysitter and come along. Wednesday 26th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend. Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30 – Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Raffle – Please donate a raffle prize for this event if you can by 14th March, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies. Friday 4th April – Term ends Monday 7th-Friday 11th April -Holiday club will be running. Melody has already sent out the booking forms for this so please return these promptly in order to get a space. Thank you |
Reminders/Requests: We are just starting to offer out places in the Nursery for next year so if you have any friends with 2-4 year olds who are looking for a place for them in September please ask them to ring us on 01223 508766, or email Office@homerton.cambs.sch.uk
We are holding an Open Morning for future parents on Saturday 29th March 9.45-11.15am so do let any friends who might be interested know about this.
I am also attaching the March ‘What’s On’ for Cambridgeshire for you to enjoy and a poster for a music session during the Easter holidays, which is being run by Davina our music teacher, so please sign up for that if you would like to.
Best wishes from
Alex and all at Homerton
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