Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

3rd July 2024

Dates for your diary:

Our final trips to Nightingale park, for Nest children, are now going to be on Thursday 4th July (tomorrow), 9.30-11.30am and Tuesday 9th July 9.30-11.30am.  We have chosen both these days as there is no rain forecast.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused by our change of dates.


Other dates

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Senco Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator

Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend at either 11am, or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents.

The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best, but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Wednesday 24th July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:


Summer Holiday Club booking has opened, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning for any parents who would like to attend, on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am


Nest Nightingale Park Trips

Please let your class staff know if you are able to help with these trips which are now taking place tomorrow and next Tuesday 9th July.


Message from Headteacher


Dear Parents and Carers


We are sending out Special Books from today so we really hope you all enjoy having these as a memory of this year at Homerton for your child.


On the 10th July we have an end of year singing celebration for children and parents to attend.  The event takes place in the main nursery garden at 11.00am and 2.30pm.  Parents can attend either time but we suggest that Nest, South morning and East Red parents come in the morning, and East Blue and West parents come in the afternoon. East Purple and South Red parents please choose whichever session suits you best. Please enter via the park pond gate.

In the morning session we are lucky enough to have a parent who plays the acoustic guitar accompanying us singing some songs.



I wanted to let you know that we will be saying a farewell to two very special members of the team at the end of the term.  Fran Crouch, who is our classroom Teaching Assistant in East Room is retiring. Over the years she has had many roles at Homerton, including being a parent here, a volunteer, a Family worker, and most recently our East Room Teaching Assistant, working alongside Bernie and Masami.  Her association with Homerton started over 20 years ago.  We are hoping she will still be a regular visitor to Homerton and help us with our projects in the future. Fran is partly responsible for keeping our garden looking so beautiful.

Priya Kadam, our 1:1 Teaching assistant in South Room, and Lunch Supervisor  is moving to a different area, so will also be leaving us.  Again she has been involved with Homerton firstly as a parent, and volunteer, before becoming one of our Lunch team and a 1:1 Teaching Assistant. Priya has also been studying for her Early Years qualification, so she has been busy! We will all miss her but hope she will also visit us when she is able to.

I am sure you join me in thanking them both, and wishing them all the very best for the future.


The rest of the team is staying as they are next year although some staff are moving rooms, or moving from The Nest to the Nursery.

Covid/Medical Update: Unfortunately one member of our teaching team has had Covid this week.  I also wanted to alert you to the toxic nature of some plants, as one of our families had to have a trip to A and E at the weekend, as a result of their child picking Hemlock, which looks rather like Cow Parsley.  At Homerton we ask children not to pick any flowers or berries, and especially not to put anything in their mouths.  I am pleased to report the child affected is fine. 
Some of the Learning this week


We have been enjoying watching our caterpillars growing and entering the  chrysalis stage.  If the weather gets warmer we may even have some butterflies next week!




The Nest have had a great time digging out their potatoes, which always feels like finding treasure!






Some of our children continued to visit Nightingale Park and had a lot of fun singing songs and doing actions with the parachute.







Our garden focus this week has involved lots of boxes of all shapes and sizes and the children have really used their imagination to make fire engines, planes, rockets and castles – do look on our stage area when you collect your children to see some of the finished models. The concentration and independence skills of the children really impressed me as they busily planned and then made their models.












My final pictures were all taken in an afternoon this week and show our children enjoying being outdoors exploring and learning either individually, in pairs or in groups. The other thing that really impresses me is how much the children help each other to find solutions to any challenges that arise.














Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.


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