Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin
3rd February 2025
Message from the Head Teacher:
Dear Parents
On Wednesday and Thursday this week we are lucky enough to have The Life Education Bus based in our car park. Over the two days children are visiting the bus in small groups, with their class staff, and learning all about their bodies and how to keep themselves healthy and well. Do ask your child about their visit and what they learnt from Louise the teacher, and Harold the Giraffe, about keeping themselves clean, preventing the spread of germs when you have a cold, and teeth cleaning. Parents can visit the bus on Wednesday and have a look at either 8.45-9.10am or 3.20-3.45pm – please do make time to pop in and see Louise.
The Bus is going to be in the car park – do come and have a look
Louise will be teaching us all about the bones in our bodies. A few parents have asked me why we don’t send photos to them during the day using an app. Although we have looked into this, and discussed it at our Governors meetings, we always come back to feeling it is more important for staff to be spending time with children playing and teaching them skills, instead of spending their time on ipads sending photos through the day. Instead we use what we call ‘Special Books’. Each child in the Centre has their own book which is very much theirs. They can choose to put their own pictures into it, and staff put in photos and ‘Learning Journeys, or ‘Planning in the Moment’ sheets, recording activities and progress through the year. Parents are also encouraged to add anything from home to these Special Books as a record of their child’s year with us. Children love these books and often choose to look at them when they are here, chatting about the photos and activities they have enjoyed. Please do also chat to staff at drop off and pick up if you would like to, or make a time for a longer appointment with them, if this is helpful. We do have parent consultations coming up for our Nursery parents in March, so this will be a good opportunity for a private chat with class staff.
South Room children enjoying looking at their special books together
Next week on Tuesday 11th February at 7.30pm we are running a parent workshop on how we teach Communication, Language and Literacy and what you can do at home to support this. Please do come along if you are able to.
Parent Workshop on Communication, Language and Literacy Come and find out how we support and promote the development of communication, language and literacy in young children and what you can do to help at home.
Venue: Homerton Early Years Centre Rainbow Room Date: Tuesday 11th February Time: 7.30pm-8.45pm
Medical Update:
We have had a case of Chicken Pox reported in West Room. Please look out for little red pinprick type spots usually on a child’s trunk area, so on their chest or back. We have not had any cases of head lice reported in the Centre, but as a precautionary measure please do check your children’s hair on a weekly basis with a fine toothed comb, that you can buy either at the chemist, or online. Head lice can spread quickly if not treated, so this is a good preventative measure whilst your children are at nursery and primary school. |
Some of the Learning this week
We have continued with our Chinese/Lunar New Year celebrations
The children were sleeping dragons in music this week and Davina played her recorder to wake them up at the end
Xu, who is a dad from The Nest, came in to work with the children using an AI computer image and teaching them all a Chinese song about two tigers.
Our orchestra of drummers played whilst children enjoyed making up their own dragon dance
Who is wearing the mask?
Bernie helps with the drumming
West room had fun making special fans
Long’s Mum visited and told the class all about the Chinese New Year animal story
Children enjoyed dressing up for the Chinese/Lunar New Year |
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 11th February 2025 – Parents evening workshop on Communication, Language and Literacy 7.30pm-8.45pm – Please book your babysitter now so you can come along Half Term holiday Monday 17th – Friday 21st February. Holiday club will be running this week so please book your children in.
We are looking for someone to work as a Lunchtime Supervisor two days a week, preferably on a Monday and Thursday 11.30am-1.00pm, from April 22nd onwards. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position, or if there are any Nest parents who pick children at 1pm, and would like to work before picking them up, then please let me know.
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