Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

27th November 2024


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents and Carers


              An Invitation


Every child is invited to bring a special adult (it could be a parent, relative, godparent, friend..) to our

Christmas Story Trail on Wednesday 4th December 8.45 – 9.30am

We invite you to:

·         Arrive with your child between 8.45 – 9.15am

·         Take your child on the story trail in the garden, joining in the things to see, hear, do and taste

·         Settle your child for the rest of his/her session before you leave

You will complete the trail in about 10 minutes from your arrival time, and then enjoy a drink and biscuit made by the children in the classroom.

Any queries please speak to your class staff.



Please do come along to our special event that really brings to life the Christmas story for all the children who see it. A big thank you to all the volunteers who are taking part this year. Nest parents please do come and join in, whether your child is here on Wednesday, or not. Please come through the Nursery gate, next to the park for the trail, and then take your child to the Nest for their session after you have finished going around with them, or return home if it is not your session time. East Blue parents please also come in for this special event so your children can experience it too, and then return for your normal session in the afternoon.

Bob, our caretaker, has also been busy this week putting up very pretty twinkly lights in our corridors, for the children and staff to enjoy.

Tracey and her sister Sharon are also going to be busy wrapping raffle boxes soon – thank you to all of you for your generous donations.

Father Christmas has been in touch and is hoping to pop in over the next couple of weeks to see the children. Please keep this as a surprise for them.


Governors meet and greet at the gate on Wednesday 4th December

On the morning of the Christmas Storytrail some of our Governors will be here to greet you as you come into the main gate.  If you would like to have a chat with them, or raise any issues, then please do take this opportunity to speak to them.


Pick up times

Could we request that if you are collecting your children early from the Nursery classes then please come at one of the following times in order not to disrupt class activities that are going on at other points during the afternoon 11.45am, 12.45pm, 3.00pm or 3.45pm.


Junk modelling request

Please can we request that you bring in clean small boxes, plastic cartons or tubes for our junk modelling tables as we are very short of these sort of items and children are loving making models.


Wiping bottoms

Could we also request that you teach your child how to wipe their bottoms independently as we are finding that some children don’t yet have this skill, and whilst we are very happy to help them it is also a skill they need to learn, especially as in primary school they will need to do this on their own.  We are hoping to do a Circle time activity with a teddy bear and toilet roll to show them how best to achieve this. We always recommend wiping from front to back.


Christmas Party Food lists for the Wednesday 11th December

Classes are putting up lists outside the classroom windows for you to donate food for our Christmas parties.  Please sign your name next to the item you would like to bring and give it to staff on either the 10th or 11th December.


Local Authority Family worker support

I am attaching a couple of useful links for families who maybe finding the current cost of living a challenge. Please look at …




To make an appointment with the family worker team please ring the number below or email directly.

Tel: 01223 728118

Email: ChildAndFamilyCentre.City@Cambridgeshire.gov.uk


Application for Nursery Places September 2025

If your child is in The Nest currently, and you would like them to have a place in the Nursery in September 2025, please fill in an application form – these are available on the website and from our office.

Application for Primary School Places 2025

Please remember that the application deadline for Primary school places closes on January 15th 2025. So please get your forms in to the Admissions Team at the Local Authority before this date.


Medical Update: Just a reminder to please keep your child at home for 24 hours after their temperature has returned to normal.
Some of the Learning this week


This week the photos are all focusing on physical activity and in particular what is known as gross motor development. Physical Development is one of the prime areas of the Early Year Foundation stage curriculum. Through activities such as running, jumping, climbing and balancing children start to develop both strength and control of their bodies, alongside spatial awareness.  We are lucky at Homerton to have such extensive outdoor spaces so children have plenty of opportunity to be outside developing their physical skills, during their time here, as well as benefitting from being out in fresh air, which has been shown to benefit mental health and well being.  We also have our larger Rainbow Room space where children often go to do music or physical activities.





Obstacle courses provide great opportunities for physical development





As do activities such as clambering in and out of a cardboard box


Classes enjoy physical sessions involving action songs such as ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’.




Music sessions with Davina also involve a lot of movement and dance to music



Playing outside on bikes and trikes as well as usingtin trays as sledges helps develop leg and core strength


While pushing a wheelbarrow, swinging, and rolling a hoop helps develop children’s upper body strength

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 4th December – Christmas Story trail for all parents and children around the garden 8.45am-9.30am – East Blue children, and any children from the Nest who attend on a different day/time, please come in to enjoy this event with everyone. 


Wednesday 11th December – Christmas Raffle and Children’s Party Day – The party day is just for the children.  Please see the information above about donating food for the party – Each class will have a tick sheet with a list of suggestions outside your child’s classroom.


Friday 20th December – Last day of the Autumn Term

Monday 6th January 2025 – The Centre is closed for a Training Day on Intensive Interaction which focuses on adults observing and joining in with children’s play and interests

Tuesday 7th January 2025 – Term restarts for the children





Applications for Primary and Nursery

Applying for Reception places – Please remember the deadline for applications is 15th January 2025


If your child is in The Nest currently, and you would like them to have a place in the Nursery in September 2025, please fill in an application form – these are available on the website and from our office.


Drop off in the mornings for Nursery Parents

Nursery Parents in East, West and South rooms please enter by the park gate in the mornings with your child, unless your child is attending Breakfast Club.


With Best wishes


Alex and all at Homerton


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