Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

26th June 2024

Dates for your diary:

Our remaining class trips to Nightingale Park are on the following days and times:-

Thursday 27th June 9.30am-11.30am – West Room

Friday 28th June 9.30-11.30am – East Blue and remaining East Purple children


Nest trips are taking place the following week on Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th July 9.30am-11.30am


Other dates

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Senco Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator

Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend at either 11am, or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents. The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best, but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Wednesday 24th July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:


Summer Holiday Club booking has opened, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning for any parents who would like to attend on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am


Nightingale Park Trips

Please put your name on the sheet outside your child’s classroom if you are able to help.


Message from Headteacher


Dear Parents and Carers


The children are really enjoying so many activities including our trips to Nightingale Park.  A huge thank you to all the parents who have helped with these trips, which just would not be possible without your support. Everyone had a lot of fun doing our activities. The activities were collecting and making book marks, with the addition of flowers that they picked, doing some observational drawing of the pond area, going on a treasure hunt around the garden, and enjoying a story with a well-earned biscuit and drink under the willow dome. Some of the classes also did some singing and parachute play under a shady tree at the end. The children coped really well with the 15 minute walk to and from the park.


Last week our butterfly eggs arrived.  They are now at the caterpillar stage and are growing fast, please do have a look at them in class when you are dropping off in the mornings.


Some classes have just started to dig out the potatoes that were planted right at the start of term and the children have been enjoying firstly, finding them in the mud, and then counting out the number they have grown, before finally washing, cooking and eating them!


Next week you will be receiving your child’s Special Book, which I hope you, and they, will really enjoy having. I would like to thank the class staff for all the hard work they have put in to making them so special. I hope, in the future, they will be a treasured reminder of your child’s time at Homerton.


On the 10th July we have an end of year singing celebration for children and parents to attend.  The event takes place in the main nursery garden at 11.00am and 2.30pm.  Parents can attend either time but we suggest that Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents come in the morning and East Blue/Purple and West parents come in the afternoon. Please enter via the park pond gate.




Covid/Medical Update: I am pleased to say there is nothing in particular to report this week. 
Some of the Learning this week


It is always fun to celebrate birthdays here at Homerton, and Messy play last Friday did just that with a birthday themed morning.


The children also enjoyed celebrating Mitali’s birthday last week – I thought some of the pictures below might make you laugh.  The children in East Room certainly made her feel very special as they made her lots of cards during the session.





Mitali kindly gave the class a gift of a book called ‘We are Family’, to enjoy in class over the coming weeks.



I am also sharing with you a beautiful birthday cake, which was made entirely of exotic fruits, and enjoyed by our Nest children – I think I am going to try making one like this in the future.




The rest of the photos below are from our very warm, but successful trips to Nightingale Park, with South and East Rooms. I will include the photos for the other classes visits in next week’s bulletin.  Thank you again for all your support with these fun and educational trips.



























Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.




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