Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

25th February 2025


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents


We hope you have all had a good half term break.

We have a number of special events planned for the children and parents this half term. Please see the diary section below for more information and the dates for your diaries.


Just before half term Jacqui Davies, our West Room teacher, and myself delivered a parent workshop focusing on Communication, Language and Literacy. Thank you to everyone who attended and joined in so enthusiastically with our activities.  As promised I am attaching the slide presentation from the evening.


Our Core story for this half term is ‘Handa’s Hen’ by Eileen Browne. I will be sending you a vocabulary information sheet for you to share with your children next week. The story has a mathematical theme, with lots of opportunities for looking at number and counting. The story also relates well to our ‘Living Eggs’ project taking place later this term. The children will have the chance to experience the life cycle of a chicken as we incubate eggs with them.


Our language of the half term is Italian please see the sheet attached for some ideas for activities you may like to do with your children. As part of our celebrations of the Carnevale festival we plan to make and decorate masks in the coming days.


Wednesday 5th March is World Book Day – If your child would like to bring in their favourite story at some stage during the week beginning 3rd March, then we can share it with the class during the week. Please put your child’s name in any book that they bring in.


Bob’s wife Margaret has also made us the beautiful quilt shown in the photo below.  As a fund raiser next week, we are asking children to bring in £1.00, and take part in a fun naming game where the lucky winner gets the prize of the quilt.  All money raised from this event will go towards funding our Homerton ‘Living Eggs’ project.



We have parent consultations this half term for parents in East, West and South rooms – please sign up for a 10 minute consultation slot with class staff on the sheets outside your classrooms.


We are also planning lots of visits to Rock Road Library for our Nursery children.  Staff will be putting sign-up sheets outside classrooms for parents to volunteer to come along on these trips as we need high adult ratios in order to be able to go.


There are a number of religious festivals this term including Ramadan, starting around the 1st March, St David’s and St Patrick’s days as well as Shrove Tuesday marking the six week period before Easter.


On Wednesday 26th March we are holding our ‘Eggstravaganza’ celebration which focuses on Spring and New Life – this is an event for all parents and children to enjoy together in our garden at drop off time – 8.45am-9.30am.


On Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30am we are holding a Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator.

We are having our Easter fund raising raffle on the 2nd AprilPlease donate a raffle prize for this event by Friday 14th March if you can, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies. Tickets will be £1.00 and funds raised will go towards continuing to develop our Nest 2 year old garden.


I have recently been sent a link to NHS services and on-line advice for parents on subjects such as toilet training and sleep which you may find very useful




Medical Update: We have recently had some cases of Chicken pox.
Some of the Learning this week

The photos this week are from just before half term when we had a lot of fun focusing on acting out stories.  The staff and children all enjoyed roleplaying the story of Goldilocks.





Who can spot Bob?


Dong clearly should have gone into a career in acting!


The children had the chance to meet the Daddy Bear face and head mask


We also enjoyed acting and small world play based on ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’



‘Who is that trit trotting over my bridge?’ said the troll




Our master bakers enjoyed making and eating Gingerbread Men


The Nest children had a lot of fun celebrating love and friendship with valentines of all different sizes







Dates for your diary

Saturday 1st March – St David’s Day and the start of Ramadan

Tuesday 4th March 2025 – Shrove Tuesday so time to make pancakes

Week beginning Monday 3rd of March –World Book Day/Week

Week beginning 3rd March Parent Consultations for Nursery children in East, South and West Rooms – please sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside your child’s room.

Friday 14th March – Holi Spring Festival begins

Monday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day

Tuesday 18th March – 7.30pm-8.45pm Maths workshop – for parents led by Mitali Peckham our East Room teacher – so please book a babysitter and come along.


Wednesday 26th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend.

Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30 – Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator

Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Raffle – Please donate a raffle prize for this event if you can by 14th March, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies.


Friday 4th April – Term ends Holiday club will be running the following week

Reminders/Requests: We are just starting to offer out places in the Nursery for next year so if you have any friends with 2-4 year olds who are looking for a place for them in September please ask them to ring us on 01223 508766.


Please can you be considerate to each other when using our narrow passageways into Homerton with large bikes and allow time for others to pass if needed. As it is also so muddy in the park you may wish to use the direct Homerton entrance when dropping off and picking up your children.


We are currently looking for a lunch supervisor to join our friendly team for two days per week on a Monday and Thursday 11.30 -1.00pm.  If anyone is interested in this position then please let me know.




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