Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

22nd May 2024

Dates for your diary:


20th– 25th May – Walk to School week continues – please try and walk, scooter or cycle to school this week.

Friday 24th May – The Centre is closed for staff training day focusing on outdoor learning.

Monday 27th – Friday 31st May – Half term.

Holiday club will be running from Tuesday 28th– Friday 31st May.

Wednesday 12th June – Our postponed Really Wheelie sponsored trail – a fun children’s cycling/scooting or buggy pushing activity, around 3 laps of the Nursery garden – parent volunteers are needed to help with this event, which runs from 9.30-10.45am – please let Alex know if you can help.


Class Trips to Nightingale Park, volunteers needed on the following days… if you are able to help.

Tuesday 25th June 9.30am-11.30am – South Room

Wednesday 26th June 9.30am-11.30am – East Red and some purple children

Thursday 27th June 9.30am-11.30am – West Room

Friday 28th June 9.30-11.30am – East Blue and remaining purple children


Nest trips are likely to take place the following week on Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th July 9.30am-11.30am


Reminders and Requests:

Really Wheelie Trail

Please can you let Alex or class staff know if you are able to help with our postponed Really Wheelie Trail which is now on Wednesday 12th June 9.30-10.45am


Nightingale Park Trips

Sign-up sheets are up outside the classrooms for parent/carer helpers to volunteer to come on the Nightingale Park trips. We are hoping that as we have given lots of notice many of you will be able to come along for this fun educational event. The trips will all take place in the mornings, but we can only go ahead with these trips if we have enough parent and carer support for each morning session, (each parent helper will be allocated children to look after, so can we request that you don’t bring younger siblings). Please put the dates above in your diaries and let class staff know if you are able to help.


Class requests this week for holiday club and after half term



Please can you bring in snack to share on a weekly, or daily basis, – fruit, vegetables, breadsticks and oatcakes are all very welcome.



Please can you take your child’s umbrella’s home after drop off as we can’t store them here, and they can be dangerous when used in the garden.


Home toys

Please keep home toys at home, so they don’t get lost whilst here and cause unnecessary upset for children….we do have plenty for children to play with here.


Rock Road Library Story and Rhyme time this Saturday 25th May at 10.30am with Veronica Spiers. Veronica has sent this message…..


‘The theme of the Story and Rhyme Time at Rock Rd Library this Saturday is:  Drums and musical instruments – let’s make some noise!  The weather is looking good so I’m planning to be in the beautiful garden’


‘The theme for June 29th will be:  Row your boat & other vehicle songs and July 27th:  Teddy bears picnic – let’s celebrate summer.  The sessions continue on the last Saturday of every month’.


Veronica’s sessions sound really fun and engaging, and are a great follow on from our recent Library visits with the children, so do pop along if you are free on Saturday – Children may even spot a familiar Homerton drum there!


Message from Headteacher


Now that the weather is improving …ever hopeful!….children are choosing to spend more time outside, so please can you apply sun cream at the start of the day, and provide a named sunhat for them to wear.  For those children who stay with us all day we can re-apply sun cream after lunch.


I also wanted to let West Room parents know that our fantastic trainee Milly

is only with us for one more week after half term.  Milly has been a very creative teacher trainee, and the children have had a lot of fun trying out a variety of activities with her, including learning some yoga poses and techniques for calming through breathing exercises and mindfulness, which I think all the staff also enjoyed! Milly is hoping to continuing her studies next year, by doing a Master’s degree at the Faculty of Education. She may also return to do some supply teaching for us, which would be great.



Covid/Medical Update: There is nothing in particular to report this week. 
Some of the Learning this week


Milly has been teaching us all about the history of Buddhism and shared the story of Siddhartha and the Bodhi tree at Circle times in the Nursery classes this week. She also taught us some yoga poses – can you spot West Room’s beautiful straight tree poses, followed by some relaxation.






South Room, and a few children from East Room, went on our final trip for the year to Rock Road Library and enjoyed stories and exploring their beautiful garden.







Classes in the Nest and Nursery have been experimenting with colour mixing using both powder paints and ready mix paint.  There is a beautiful display in East Room of their work so do have a look in there if you have the chance.

















Now that we are in the summer term children are really making the most of being in our beautiful gardens and extending themselves physically with different activities from swinging, to climbing, scooting, and playing bat and ball. The Nest children made their own obstacle course in the classroom, which they enjoyed both building and balancing along.








Best wishes from all of us at Homerton and wishing everyone a happy half term. We look forward to seeing everyone back on the 3rd June or at holiday club next week.


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