Homerton Weekly Bulletin 20th May 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,



I thought you might like to see this picture of the children visiting the allotment this week.

They somehow managed to escape most of the rain and by the time they returned the sun was shining again.

I know they had a lot of fun watching the hail and jumping in the puddles on their visit, before planting carrot seeds there.


Our allotment is only a 5 minute walk away and we are very lucky to have some keen gardeners and volunteers helping with it.

Our plot is on the passageway between Glebe Road and Holbrook Road, right next to the path. The newly painted bright blue shed

is also being given a makeover by some East Room parents so a big thank you to them.


This term seems to be speeding past and I just wanted to remind you that next Friday 28th May the Centre is closed for a staff training day.

Our training is going to be led by Mitali, we are focusing on the Expressive Arts and Design area of the curriculum for the day.


The following week is half term.  There are still a few spaces remaining in holiday club at the end of that week.  Do book in with Melody if you would like your child to attend.

School reopens after half term on Monday 7th June.


At school some of the classes have been talking to the children about keeping their bodies safe, and in particular that their bodies belong to them.

Here at Homerton we use the correct terminology when talking about our body parts.

You might like to look at the NSPCC Pants website which gives really good tips on how to talk to young children about keeping themselves safe.


Best wishes from all of us at Homerton







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