Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

19th June 2024

Dates for your diary:


Class Trips to Nightingale Park, we need volunteers on the following days so please can you let class staff know if you can help – Thank you.

Tuesday 25th June 9.30am-11.30am – South Room

Tuesday 25th June 1.30pm – 3.30pm East Red and some of East Purple children.  Please note this is a change of day as they were previously going on the Wednesday. If you are helping on this trip please be here from 1.00pm. If you need to collect other children from school, before 3.30pm, you can pick up your child from Nightingale park at 3.00pm. Please let Mitali know.

Thursday 27th June 9.30am-11.30am – West Room

Friday 28th June 9.30-11.30am – East Blue and remaining East Purple children


Nest trips are likely to take place the following week on Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th July 9.30am-11.30am


Other dates

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator

Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend at either 11am, or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents. The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best, but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Wednesday 24th July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:


Summer Holiday Club booking has opened, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning for any parents who would like to attend on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am


Nightingale Park Trips

Please put your name on the sheet outside your child’s classroom if you are able to help.


Message from Headteacher


You may have noticed that we have a number of Secondary School work experience students with us over the next couple of weeks – Homerton children love to have teenagers in their classes, and it provides valuable experience for the Year 10 students too, some of whom attended Homerton when they were younger! We really enjoy welcoming back our alumni.


We are all starting to get excited about the upcoming trips to Nightingale Park – a final plea for help if you are able to come, as we need a ratio of one adult to two children when going out of the Centre.

Please can we request that on the day your child’s class goes to Nightingale Park you arrive by 9.10am.  Parent volunteers please also arrive by 9.10am. (1.10pm for East Tuesday afternoon trip).  Class staff will then have time to run through all the information you will need for the trip.


Please remember to apply sunscreen on the morning, and provide a hat and appropriate clothing for whatever the weather is that day, including raincoats if it is likely to rain.   Children will also need to wear comfortable shoes for walking – socks and trainers are probably best. Thank you


We have a number of activities planned for the children whilst at the park.  We will also be providing children with a drink and snack.  Hopefully we will have time at the end of the sessions to do some singing, or parachute play. I will put photos of the trips in next week’s bulletin so you will be able to see what your children have been doing. Class staff will be taking photos on the ipads, so please don’t take photos if you are helping.


Thank you in advance for your help.

A few additional general requests are below….


Sun cream application

Please remember to apply sun cream for your child daily first thing in the morning now that it is warming up and UV levels are high.



Thank you to everyone who is making the effort to park a little further away and not on our yellow lines. The reason we request this is for the safety of all the children.  When the entrances are kept clear children can easily see the road and whether it is safe to cross. If cars are parked on the yellow lines then their view is blocked which is dangerous for them.



Please can your children wear shoes such as sandals, with supportive straps, or trainers, when at Homerton as these make it much easier for them to run and climb. Please can we request no crocs or flip-flops.



Covid/Medical Update: I am pleased to say there is nothing in particular to report this week. 
Some of the Learning this week


Now that the weather has finally improved classes have had the opportunity to go further afield visiting our allotment which is kept so beautifully by our gardening team.






A trip to the allotment provides opportunities to learn about how to grow fruit and vegetable and to see the chickens who live there.




It is also a great chance to be physically active running down the long paths.







Children watered the raspberries, which we are hoping will be ready soon, we also have strawberries and sugar snap peas growing.


A very popular activity at Homerton is parachute play with the whole class group. There are lots of songs, and games, that can be played using the parachute.  A favourite is the ‘I’m being eaten by a Boa Constrictor’ song, where children’s bodies gradually disappear under the parachute until the class is underneath the parachute, which we pretend is the Boa Constrictor’s stomach! Do ask your child to sing it to you!









The Nest children have been very active outside, climbing and doing obstacle courses.  Some of them also visited the Rock Road Library garden yesterday morning and had fun exploring, looking and smelling the beautiful flowers, and doing some parachute play.





The photos below are all from the Rock Road Library garden which is a lovely community space that anyone can visit…so do go along if you get the chance to see how beautiful it is looking.










Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.



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