Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

18th September 2024


Message from the Head Teacher:

A very warm welcome from Homerton to all our families who are either joining us for the first time, or have been with us over the last academic year. We are really looking forward to working with you and getting to know your children in the coming year.

If you are new to Homerton, you will notice that owls are our lucky mascot and can be seen in many places around the Centre. Children in the Nursery also take turns to wear a very special ‘Homerton Owl’ badge which means they do a lot of additional jobs during the day eg walking at the front of the line when taking the class down to lunch, or changing the door signs from ‘Stop’ to ‘Go’, when it is garden time.






Medical Update: Just a reminder that if your child has diarrhoea, or sickness, they should stay at home for 48 hours after the last episode of the illness to prevent the spread to others. If they have, a temperature please keep them at home and only return them to the Centre 24 hours after the temperature is normal again. Please keep your children at home if they require Calpol to keep their temperature down, as we find this medication wears off quickly and they soon start to feel really unwell again whilst here. Please phone the office before 10.00am to let us know if your child is not attending that day (01223 508766).

Please let class teams and the office know if your child has any particular allergies or dietary needs.



Some of our Learning in the coming weeks During the first half of this term we concentrate on children and staff getting to know each other, learning routines, and feeling confident in the classrooms and gardens.  We are keen for children to feel happy and settled here as soon as possible, although this can sometimes take time.  If your child is finding it hard to settle please talk to class staff, or myself, as between us we have many years of experience supporting children.


Every half term children get to know a core book very well.  This term’s core book is ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.  In the story, the parent owl goes off hunting for food, and one of the baby owls is a bit worried that they may not return.  Throughout the story, the other owls siblings try to reassure, and eventually the parent returns.  The underlying message for our children here is that parents will return. Do share this story with your children at home, if you have it, or you can ask class staff if you can borrow a copy. Next week I shall be sending out a sheet to accompany the book for you to share with your child.


Breakfast Club at Homerton

If your child is coming for breakfast please be aware that food is served between 8.00-8.30, this is followed by a play session prior to children going to class.  (Please be aware Breakfast club needs to be booked termly in advance).


Dates for your diary:

Half Term holiday – Monday 28th October- Friday 1st November.

Holiday club will be running during half term week and we will be emailing you to let you know when you can book this.

Please note the Centre is also closed on Monday 4th November for a Staff Training day on Performance Management.

The first day back for children after half term will be Tuesday 5th November.


Reminders and Requests:


Please do not park on the yellow lines outside school, as these are there to keep all children and families safe.

If you need to drive then can I suggest you park in Glebe Road, near house number 48, and walk through the passageway next to the allotments to reach the Centre. This is a lovely walk and an opportunity to enjoy some peace in nature, as well as getting some exercise. You can also see if your child can spot the Homerton allotment along the way.  Our fantastic gardening team of Kate, Stella and Fran have done a brilliant job growing beautiful flowers, fruit and vegetables for you to enjoy.


Carpark and driveway.

Please note that the car park entrance and driveway is only for staff.  Children and parents please enter the Centre by either using the passageway opposite our main entrance or the passageway into the park next door.

Nest children enter the Centre through the main entrance. Please wait outside until just before 9.00am when the Office staff will invite you to come in.

Nursery children please enter via the park/pond gate entrance- this gate will be open and manned between 8.45-9.15am.

Please can we request that all gates are shut behind you when you leave the Centre in order to keep all our children safe.


Mobile Phones

We are a mobile phone free Centre so please can you have all mobiles switched off when you enter the Centre grounds. We request that you do not get your phone out again until you have left the premises.



Please provide your child with a waterproof warm coat every day that they are here – even though it may be sunny when you leave home, this often changes during the day and we go out in all weathers so they definitely need coats.



Please remember to bring a snack for your child’s room to share at snack time ie fruit, vegetables or breadsticks – this is a lovely sociable part of the day.


Home Toys

Please can we ask for your support in keeping toys from home at home – this is in order that they do not get lost here and cause any unnecessary upset for your child.


Parent Representative from each class needed This is to help run a class Whats App group with our Parent Governors. If you are interested in taking on this role please speak to myself, or Mitali Peckham who is the class teacher in East Room at the beginning of the week, or Christine O’Farrelly who is one of our parent governors, she also has a child in East Room.


Wishing all our families a very happy year ahead at Homerton and please do come and talk to us if you have any concerns about anything large or small!


With Best wishes from us all at Homerton


Alex Pearson

Head of Centre


Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

18th September 2024


Message from the Head Teacher:

A very warm welcome from Homerton to all our families who are either joining us for the first time, or have been with us over the last academic year. We are really looking forward to working with you and getting to know your children in the coming year.

If you are new to Homerton, you will notice that owls are our lucky mascot and can be seen in many places around the Centre. Children in the Nursery also take turns to wear a very special ‘Homerton Owl’ badge which means they do a lot of additional jobs during the day eg walking at the front of the line when taking the class down to lunch, or changing the door signs from ‘Stop’ to ‘Go’, when it is garden time.






Medical Update: Just a reminder that if your child has diarrhoea, or sickness, they should stay at home for 48 hours after the last episode of the illness to prevent the spread to others. If they have, a temperature please keep them at home and only return them to the Centre 24 hours after the temperature is normal again. Please keep your children at home if they require Calpol to keep their temperature down, as we find this medication wears off quickly and they soon start to feel really unwell again whilst here. Please phone the office before 10.00am to let us know if your child is not attending that day (01223 508766).

Please let class teams and the office know if your child has any particular allergies or dietary needs.



Some of our Learning in the coming weeks During the first half of this term we concentrate on children and staff getting to know each other, learning routines, and feeling confident in the classrooms and gardens.  We are keen for children to feel happy and settled here as soon as possible, although this can sometimes take time.  If your child is finding it hard to settle please talk to class staff, or myself, as between us we have many years of experience supporting children.


Every half term children get to know a core book very well.  This term’s core book is ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.  In the story, the parent owl goes off hunting for food, and one of the baby owls is a bit worried that they may not return.  Throughout the story, the other owls siblings try to reassure, and eventually the parent returns.  The underlying message for our children here is that parents will return. Do share this story with your children at home, if you have it, or you can ask class staff if you can borrow a copy. Next week I shall be sending out a sheet to accompany the book for you to share with your child.


Breakfast Club at Homerton

If your child is coming for breakfast please be aware that food is served between 8.00-8.30, this is followed by a play session prior to children going to class.  (Please be aware Breakfast club needs to be booked termly in advance).


Dates for your diary:

Half Term holiday – Monday 28th October- Friday 1st November.

Holiday club will be running during half term week and we will be emailing you to let you know when you can book this.

Please note the Centre is also closed on Monday 4th November for a Staff Training day on Performance Management.

The first day back for children after half term will be Tuesday 5th November.


Reminders and Requests:


Please do not park on the yellow lines outside school, as these are there to keep all children and families safe.

If you need to drive then can I suggest you park in Glebe Road, near house number 48, and walk through the passageway next to the allotments to reach the Centre. This is a lovely walk and an opportunity to enjoy some peace in nature, as well as getting some exercise. You can also see if your child can spot the Homerton allotment along the way.  Our fantastic gardening team of Kate, Stella and Fran have done a brilliant job growing beautiful flowers, fruit and vegetables for you to enjoy.


Carpark and driveway.

Please note that the car park entrance and driveway is only for staff.  Children and parents please enter the Centre by either using the passageway opposite our main entrance or the passageway into the park next door.

Nest children enter the Centre through the main entrance. Please wait outside until just before 9.00am when the Office staff will invite you to come in.

Nursery children please enter via the park/pond gate entrance- this gate will be open and manned between 8.45-9.15am.

Please can we request that all gates are shut behind you when you leave the Centre in order to keep all our children safe.


Mobile Phones

We are a mobile phone free Centre so please can you have all mobiles switched off when you enter the Centre grounds. We request that you do not get your phone out again until you have left the premises.



Please provide your child with a waterproof warm coat every day that they are here – even though it may be sunny when you leave home, this often changes during the day and we go out in all weathers so they definitely need coats.



Please remember to bring a snack for your child’s room to share at snack time ie fruit, vegetables or breadsticks – this is a lovely sociable part of the day.


Home Toys

Please can we ask for your support in keeping toys from home at home – this is in order that they do not get lost here and cause any unnecessary upset for your child.


Parent Representative from each class needed This is to help run a class Whats App group with our Parent Governors. If you are interested in taking on this role please speak to myself, or Mitali Peckham who is the class teacher in East Room at the beginning of the week, or Christine O’Farrelly who is one of our parent governors, she also has a child in East Room.


Wishing all our families a very happy year ahead at Homerton and please do come and talk to us if you have any concerns about anything large or small!


With Best wishes from us all at Homerton


Alex Pearson

Head of Centre


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