Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin
17th March 2025
Message from the Head Teacher:
Dear Parents
A very Happy St Patrick’s Day to all our families and staff who are celebrating the patron Saint of Ireland! On Wednesday this week Molly, who is Bernie and Bridget’s niece, is coming in to show the children some Irish Dancing and teach us all a few steps – thank you Molly.
Mitali Peckham, our East Room teacher, will be doing a Parent Workshop focusing on Maths tomorrow Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm, so please do book a babysitter and come along tomorrow for this event.
I am very pleased to be able to tell you that 9 out of the 10 eggs hatched successfully by the end of last week. The children have been enjoying watching their daily changes and development. The chicks are visiting each class this week, and everyone will be observing, drawing and holding them. It has also been lovely to see so many adults in our Library area sharing in the excitement of the chicks. They are with us until Friday, when they will return to their farm, so if you haven’t yet had a chance to see them please do pop in at the beginning, or end, of your child’s session to see how they are doing. I hope you enjoy all the photos as the end of the bulletin featuring the chicks.
Our visits to Rock Road Library have also continued with trips for West Room children taking place this week, a big thank you to parent helpers for supporting these trips.
Many Congratulations go to Masami Rogers, our East Room teaching assistant who has successfully completed her Level 3 course in Early Years Education.
The children joined in congratulating Masami and saying ‘Well done!’
Just a reminder that on Wednesday 26th March we are holding our ‘Eggstravaganza’ celebration which focuses on Spring and New Life – this is an event for all parents and children to enjoy together in our garden at drop off time – 8.45am-9.30am.
On Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30am we are holding a Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator. Please see the attached poster about this event.
We are having our Easter fund raising raffle on the 2nd April. There are 14 great prizes to be won. Thank you to Tracey and her sister Sharon for wrapping them all so beautifully. Tickets will be £1.00 and funds raised will go towards continuing to develop our Nest 2 year old garden.
Our lovely raffle boxes ready to be won on 2nd April!
Easter Holiday Club is running Monday 7th – Friday 11th April. The club is always lots of fun.
Medical Update: We continue to have some cases of Chicken pox throughout the Centre and also a case of Hand Foot and Mouth in our Nest. |
Some of the Learning this week
Our photos this week are all of the chicks – they have been visiting each classroom and children have the opportunity both to hold them and to do a drawing of them
Our ‘Garden focus’ this week is a pictogram bar chart based on different images including chicks. The children go on a picture hunt around the garden to find all the images, and then put them in their correct sets, seeing how many of each picture they have and matching this to the numerals on the left hand side of the board – so lots of different mathematical activities involved.
Dates for your diary
Monday 17th March – Today is St Patrick’s Day Tuesday 18th March – 7.30pm-8.45pm Maths workshop – for parents led by Mitali Peckham our East Room teacher – so please book a babysitter and come along. Wednesday 19th March – Irish dancing demonstration just for children in their session – thank you to Molly for doing this for us. Wednesday 26th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend. Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30 – Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Raffle Friday 4th April – Term ends Monday 7th– Friday 11th April -Holiday club will be running. Melody has already sent out the booking forms for this so please return these promptly in order to get a space. Thank you |
Reminders/Requests: We are just starting to offer out places in the Nursery for next year so if you have any friends with 2-4 year olds who are looking for a place for them in September please ask them to ring us on 01223 508766, or email Office@homerton.cambs.sch.uk
We are holding an Open Morning for future parents on Saturday 29th March 9.45-11.15am so do let any friends who might be interested know about this.
Please can you bring in any small boxes or plastic cartons so the children can use these for junk modelling.
If you would like to I urge you to join your class ‘What’s App’ group as it is the quickest way for us to get a message out to parents, at short notice, via our parent governors. It is also a lovely way to arrange social events for your children. |
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