Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

16th October 2024


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents and Carers


Dear Parents

Our fundraising event this term starts with our Bag2School event on the morning of Tuesday 5th November.  Please fill up a bag, which will be handed out next week, with unwanted clean clothes/soft toys etc. and bring it to school on the morning of Tuesday 5th November.  A company known as Bag2school will donate a certain amount of money to us for every bag that they collect, depending on the weight.  The company take good quality Adult’s and Children’s clothing, Paired Shoes, Hats, Belts, Handbags, Soft Toys, Bedding, Curtains and Towels.  They do not accept duvets, pillows or cushions.


We will be handing out the bags next week for you to fill over half term! You can also fill up black bags with items if you don’t have a bag from us.

Your help with this fundraiser is much appreciated.




Free trees for babies and children scheme

One of our parents has kindly let me know about the Cambridge Council free trees for babies scheme and sent me the following information:-


Families can apply for a free tree of their choice if they

– live in Cambridge

– have a child or grandchild under 4 years old.


Applications are now open for next year.


So please do click on the link below if you would like to plant a tree, either in your garden, or elsewhere to help the environment and to enjoy watching it grow together.

Trees for Babies scheme




Medical Update: The Nest has had quite a number of cases of hand foot and mouth in both classes.  The symptoms are often that children feel generally unwell and then little spots appear on the hands and feet and sometimes on the face.

The Nest has also had a case of threadworm reported so please can you be vigilant checking for this and treating your child if you see threadworms.


Children have also had colds and some temperatures across the Centre.



Some of the Learning this week and throughout the year…


I am attaching our Homerton Curriculum Goals below so that you can see some of the aims and activities we have for children whilst they are at Homerton.  We use these alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as Homerton’s educational programme. The goals focus on fun educational activities and events in each curriculum area both in the Nest and Nursery.




Curriculum Goals

our hopes and aims for the children at Homerton


Goal 1 To settle in and become a confident person, building relationships and learning how to express yourself and listen to others.

Goal 2 To be able to follow a recipe

Goal 3 To design and make a model or musical shaker

Goal 4 To use body safely in space, developing gross and fine motor physical strength, balance and spatial awareness,  as well as learning how to move safely, both for yourself and others, when climbing, or using wheeled vehicles.


Goal 5 To Create your own dance to a piece of music

Goal 6 To Sew using beads and running stitch

Goal 7 To make up your own story

Goal 8 To start to write letters of your name

Goal 9 To start to understand and care for yourself, your world and the people and places within it.

Goal 10 To become curious and confident mathematicians


At Homerton staff also work with you and your children to help them develop the valuable life skills of:

·        Respect and Kindness

·        Empathy and understanding of others

·        Respect for the environment

·        Independence

·        Problem solving

·        Creating and thinking critically

·        A ‘can do’ attitude to life whereby they keep trying to achieve their desired outcome


Throughout the year in this section of the weekly bulletin I will be putting photos of activities relating to the goals, so here are few from this week’s activities across the Centre.






















Dates for your diary:

Half Term holiday – Monday 28th October-Friday 1st November.

Holiday club will be running during half term week.

Please note the Centre is also closed on Monday 4th November for a Staff Training day on Performance Management.

The first day back for children after half term will be Tuesday 5th November.

Thursday 14th November 7.45-8.45pm Nursery Parent information evening on playing and learning at Homerton. This evening is just for Nursery parents. The Nest parents will be having a 1:1 meeting with their class staff later in the year.


Reminders and Requests: Please can you make sure your children have warm clothing and waterproof coats and boots for the coming half term as we go out in all weathers.


Lunch supervisor vacancy

If anyone knows of anybody who would be interested in working as a lunch supervisor for 2-5 days per week then please ask them to ring or email the Centre on 01223 508766 or Office@homerton.cambs.sch.uk



With Best wishes

Alex and all the Homerton staff team


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