Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

16th July 2024

Dates for your diary:

Nest Green trip to Nightingale Park is now planned for Wednesday 17th  July 9.30-11.30am – Please let class staff know if you can help with this…It’ll be fourth time lucky with the weather we hope!


Other dates

Wednesday 17th July – Fund raising plant swop and sale in aid of Breast Cancer charity – please bring in any plants you would like to donate for this and money to buy some plants on the day.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Wednesday 24th July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:


Nest Nightingale Park Trips

Nest Green are now planning to go to Nightingale Park on Wednesday 17th July – Please let class know if you are able to help with this.


Fundraising Plant swop and sale in aid of Breast Cancer charity – tomorrow 17th July…do bring or buy a plant – cash only please.


Library Books

Please can you return any library books that you may still have at home – thank you.


Lost Property

We have a table of lost property in the main school entrance – please do have a look and claim anything that belongs to your child.


Spare Clothes bags on pegs and artwork in trays

Please remember to take home any bags of your child’s spare clothes from their pegs and anything that is in their trays.


Message from Headteacher


Dear Parents and Carers


Thank you very much for coming to our end of term celebration in the garden last week. We were lucky to have musical accompaniment from Bez, in the morning and Hyun-Mi in the afternoon, both on their guitars.


Bez also treated us to a couple of songs so I thought you might like links to his music. He is also holding a free concert at St John’s Church on Hills Road on Saturday 27th July at 5pm so do go along to that if you would like to hear him perform.


Here is a link to his spotify:



And a link to his YouTube Music




And his YouTube page with the links to the songs he played today.






Our butterflies have finally hatched  – luckily just in time for the end of term so the children have been able to enjoy experiencing the wonder of their life cycle going from egg, to caterpillar to chrysalis, and finally to butterfly.  We have been enjoying seeing them fly off to enjoy their next stage.







I also wanted to thank all of the staff and our Governors for everything they have done during the year to give the children a really happy and positive start to their educational journey.  Our aim for children is to have a joy of learning, whilst also developing self-confidence as they move on to their exciting next steps.


I also wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to all our parents and carers for your support through the year.  Your kind words, gifts and messages have been very much appreciated by us all.


We are really going to miss all your children, who have made us all laugh, developed wonderful friendships and amazed us with their creativity and ability to think and problem solve for themselves.


Covid/Medical Update: Nothing in particular to report this week
Some of the Learning this week – I thought as this is the last bulletin of the year you might like to see the photos from our Summer Celebrations event – thank you all for coming and helping to make it such a fun event for the whole Homerton community.

































Wishing you all a very happy summer break.

Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.



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