Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

12th March 2025


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents


We have had an exciting week with the arrival of 10 eggs with an incubator in the Homerton Library area.  Some of the eggs have already started to hatch and children have been lucky enough to see this amazing event, as the chicks peck their way out of their shells and gradually emerge. When they first hatch they are initially very tired and wet, but within a few hours their feathers fluff up and they are walking around.  We move them out of the incubator into a larger container 24 hours after they have hatched, as they initially need to be warm. It is lovely to hear the wonder in children’s and adult’s voices just outside my office as they watch this amazing lifecycle.




If you get the chance to come and see the chicks with your child at the beginning or end of their day please do – they are in the Library area.


Classes continued to have a lot of fun using eggs, milk and flour to make delicious pancakes with the children at the end of last week.  We really enjoy cooking activities in classes and they provide a great opportunity to encourage early reading skills using the visual recipe cards that Mitali has developed, and to also explore mathematics as children get involved with counting out the correct number of eggs, or spoons of flour, needed for a particular recipe.


Our ‘Guess the Name of the Quilt’ activity raised a fantastic £50.00 which will go towards funding our ‘Living Eggs’ project that is currently in the Library. The lucky winners are Alfie and family in East Room, who picked Luna as their favourite name. A big thank you to Margaret for making the beautiful quilt in the first place.




Parent consultations for Nursery parents continue this week, and we are asking all parents if they could fill in an anonymous questionnaire in order that we can improve our offer to families.


Our visits to Rock Road Library have also continued with trips for East Room taking place this week, a big thank you to parent helpers for supporting these trips.



Mitali Peckham, our East Room teacher, will be doing a Parent Workshop focusing on Maths at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th March, so please do book a babysitter and come along.


Just a reminder that on Wednesday 26th March we are holding our ‘Eggstravaganza’ celebration which focuses on Spring and New Life – this is an event for all parents and children to enjoy together in our garden at drop off time – 8.45am-9.30am.


On Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30am we are holding a Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator. Please see the attached poster about this event.


We are having our Easter fund raising raffle on the 2nd AprilPlease donate a raffle prize for this event by Friday 14th March if you can, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies. Tickets will be £1.00 and funds raised will go towards continuing to develop our Nest 2 year old garden.


Easter Holiday Club is running Monday 7th – Friday 11th April.  The club is always lots of fun and Mel, who runs it, always plans some varied activities which in February half term included a trip to Rock Road Library, and another trip to Cherry Hinton Hall, along with a bus journey!

Please remember to book your child into the sessions you require which can either be for full, or half days. 

Medical Update: We continue to have some cases of Chicken pox throughout the Centre.
Some of the Learning this week



The Nest children have been enjoying the sunshine whilst being physically active.







Painting onto silver foil provides a more reflective finish!






Learning some yoga poses with Michelle




The children also enjoyed doing some observational painting of daffodils






Making pancakes






This activity involves following a simple visual recipe card and doing lots of counting and mixing




Children also had fun tossing playdough pancakes as they role played the previous activity












And the best bit was actually getting to eat the pancakes…..




 …which gave the children the energy to enjoy singing songs in our parachute play session                                                                

Dates for your diary

Friday 14th March – Holi Spring Festival begins

Monday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day

Tuesday 18th March – 7.30pm-8.45pm Maths workshop – for parents led by Mitali Peckham our East Room teacher – so please book a babysitter and come along.

Wednesday 26th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend.

Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30 – Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator

Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Raffle – Please donate a raffle prize for this event if you can by 14th March, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies.

Friday 4th April – Term ends

Monday 7th– Friday 11th April -Holiday club will be running.  Melody has already sent out the booking forms for this so please return these promptly in order to get a space. Thank you

Reminders/Requests: We are just starting to offer out places in the Nursery for next year so if you have any friends with 2-4 year olds who are looking for a place for them in September please ask them to ring us on 01223 508766, or email Office@homerton.cambs.sch.uk

We are holding an Open Morning for future parents on Saturday 29th March 9.45-11.15am so do let any friends who might be interested know about this.


The Nest are keen to redevelop their ‘Mud Kitchen’ area, so if anyone has an old toaster, kettle, microwave, pots and pans, plastic cutlery or wooden utensils they would like to donate then please give them to the office.

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