Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

12th June 2024

Dates for your diary:


Class Trips to Nightingale Park, we need volunteers on the following days so please can you let class staff know if you can help – Thank you.

Tuesday 25th June 9.30am-11.30am – South Room

Tuesday 25th June 1.30pm – 3.30pm East Red and some of East Purple children.  Please note this is a change of day as they were previously going on the Wednesday. If you are helping on this trip please be here from 1.00pm. If you need to collect other children from school before 3.30pm you can pick up your child from Nightingale park at 3.00pm. Please let Mitali know.

Thursday 27th June 9.30am-11.30am – West Room

Friday 28th June 9.30-11.30am – East Blue and remaining East Purple children


Nest trips are likely to take place the following week on Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th July 9.30am-11.30am


Other dates

Tuesday 18th June – Caterpillars arrive and we watch them turn into beautiful butterflies over the coming weeks

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator

Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents are welcome to attend at either 11am or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents. The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Monday 22nd July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:

We are looking for one or two lunch supervisors from September to join our experienced and friendly team – please let Alex know if you or anyone you know might be interested.


Holiday Club – Summer Holiday booking has just opened, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning for any parents who would like to attend on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am


Nightingale Park Trips

Sign-up sheets are up outside the classrooms for parent/carer helpers to volunteer to come on the Nightingale Park trips. We are hoping that as we have given lots of notice many of you will be able to come along for this fun educational event. The trips will all take place in the mornings, apart from one of the East Room trips, which is now on Tuesday 25th June, in the afternoon. We can only go ahead with these trips if we have enough parent and carer support for each morning session, (each parent helper will be given children to look after, so I am afraid you cannot bring younger siblings). Please put the dates above in your diaries and let class staff know if you are able to help.



Message from Headteacher

We were very lucky with our ‘Really Wheelie Trail’ today as did not rain!   Children had a fun time using various forms of transport to complete three laps of our Nursery garden, cheered on by classmates, staff and volunteer parents.  A big thank you to Isa, our parent governor, and all the volunteers for coming and helping to make it such a success. Each child will be going home with a certificate of completion…so many congratulations to them all.  If any parents would like to sponsor their child’s achievement, then please make a donation to ‘School Fund’. We will put donations towards getting a wheeled vehicle for the children to enjoy.

Please enjoy looking at the photos under the learning section.


Our next activities coming up are the Nightingale park trips for all the classes, so I am hoping that the sun maybe starting to shine by then.

Next week I will be letting you know what you need to bring for your child on these trips.


We are going to have a number of reception class teachers visiting the Centre next week. In the coming weeks we will start to talk about some of the changes children may experience as they move to their next schools.


We are looking for some additional lunch supervisors for September, so if you are interested in working two or three days per week between 11.30-1.00pm then please let me know. The lunch team are a very kind, friendly and welcoming group of people, and please be reassured that full training will be provided.



Covid/Medical Update: There is nothing in particular to report this week. 
Some of the Learning this week


All the photos this week are from our ‘Really Wheelie Trail’ this morning. This activity gave the children a chance to have fun together and also to develop their physical skills. I hope you enjoy looking at them.












































Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.




Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

12th June 2024

Dates for your diary:


Class Trips to Nightingale Park, we need volunteers on the following days so please can you let class staff know if you can help – Thank you.

Tuesday 25th June 9.30am-11.30am – South Room

Tuesday 25th June 1.30pm – 3.30pm East Red and some of East Purple children.  Please note this is a change of day as they were previously going on the Wednesday. If you are helping on this trip please be here from 1.00pm. If you need to collect other children from school before 3.30pm you can pick up your child from Nightingale park at 3.00pm. Please let Mitali know.

Thursday 27th June 9.30am-11.30am – West Room

Friday 28th June 9.30-11.30am – East Blue and remaining East Purple children


Nest trips are likely to take place the following week on Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th July 9.30am-11.30am


Other dates

Tuesday 18th June – Caterpillars arrive and we watch them turn into beautiful butterflies over the coming weeks

Wednesday 10th July – 9.30am-10.30am – Coffee morning, run by Bernie, our Special Educational Needs coordinator

Wednesday 10th July – Goodbye singing event in the garden for parents and children.  Parents are welcome to attend at either 11am or 2.30pm. We suggest  11.00am for Nest, South and East Red/Purple parents and 2.30pm – for West and East Blue/Purple parents. The East Purple parents can choose whichever slot suits them best but Nest parents please come in the morning as some children sleep in the afternoon.

Friday 19th July – End of Term

Monday 22nd July – Summer Holiday club begins


Reminders and Requests:

We are looking for one or two lunch supervisors from September to join our experienced and friendly team – please let Alex know if you or anyone you know might be interested.


Holiday Club – Summer Holiday booking has just opened, please respond to Mel’s email if you would like a place.


Bernie, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, is running a drop in coffee morning for any parents who would like to attend on 10th July 9.30am-10.30am


Nightingale Park Trips

Sign-up sheets are up outside the classrooms for parent/carer helpers to volunteer to come on the Nightingale Park trips. We are hoping that as we have given lots of notice many of you will be able to come along for this fun educational event. The trips will all take place in the mornings, apart from one of the East Room trips, which is now on Tuesday 25th June, in the afternoon. We can only go ahead with these trips if we have enough parent and carer support for each morning session, (each parent helper will be given children to look after, so I am afraid you cannot bring younger siblings). Please put the dates above in your diaries and let class staff know if you are able to help.



Message from Headteacher

We were very lucky with our ‘Really Wheelie Trail’ today as did not rain!   Children had a fun time using various forms of transport to complete three laps of our Nursery garden, cheered on by classmates, staff and volunteer parents.  A big thank you to Isa, our parent governor, and all the volunteers for coming and helping to make it such a success. Each child will be going home with a certificate of completion…so many congratulations to them all.  If any parents would like to sponsor their child’s achievement, then please make a donation to ‘School Fund’. We will put donations towards getting a wheeled vehicle for the children to enjoy.

Please enjoy looking at the photos under the learning section.


Our next activities coming up are the Nightingale park trips for all the classes, so I am hoping that the sun maybe starting to shine by then.

Next week I will be letting you know what you need to bring for your child on these trips.


We are going to have a number of reception class teachers visiting the Centre next week. In the coming weeks we will start to talk about some of the changes children may experience as they move to their next schools.


We are looking for some additional lunch supervisors for September, so if you are interested in working two or three days per week between 11.30-1.00pm then please let me know. The lunch team are a very kind, friendly and welcoming group of people, and please be reassured that full training will be provided.



Covid/Medical Update: There is nothing in particular to report this week. 
Some of the Learning this week


All the photos this week are from our ‘Really Wheelie Trail’ this morning. This activity gave the children a chance to have fun together and also to develop their physical skills. I hope you enjoy looking at them.












































Best wishes from all of us at Homerton.




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