11th December 2024 |
Message from the Head Teacher: Dear Parents
Let me start by wishing you all a very happy festive season from all of us at Homerton and thanking you for all our kind messages, cards and gifts.
Today’s parties have been a lot of fun and included a play based on the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy, which is our Core book this term. A big thank you goes to Bob, our caretaker, who played the part of baby bear going to the moon brilliantly, and also to Bernie, Jacqui, Kate and Mel who took on the roles of the mother, and the owl in the story. Mel also designed and made all the props, which really helped bring the story to life.
Later in the session today we were also lucky enough to have a professional pianist Victoria, who is an ex-Homerton parent, come in to accompany the staff and children singing festive and seasonal Christmas songs.
I have been so impressed by how brilliantly all the children have learnt the words to our Christmas songs this year – they often bring us a Christmas song book when we are sharing stories on the sofa and we have impromptu singing sessions in class too.
The children also had a special Christmas party in each room – thank you to all of you for contributing the food for the parties.
The day ended with Mel, and myself, going around the classes and getting children to pick out the lucky winning raffle tickets, for our fantastic collection of 22 raffle prizes, beautifully wrapped by Tracey. We raised an amazing £350, which we will use towards our Nest garden project, which is to take place in early January.
Last Thursday, and again yesterday, the children had a special Christmas lunch prepared by Angela and Helen. They made some really delicious star shaped biscuits for everyone for dessert. Next week is a little quieter for us but I know the classes will still be enjoying lots of Christmas activities. Term finishes on Friday 20th December and we re-start for the children on the 7th January.
I am delighted that from next term Davina, our fantastic music teacher, will be teaching music on a Tuesday and Thursday, so that all the children benefit from her expertise, whatever day of the week they attend.
I am sure you will join me in thanking all the staff for giving the children such a special time during this term.
Please enjoy all the photos below from events in recent days and have a very happy holiday and family time together.
Covid/Medical Update: Nothing in particular to report apart from the usual seasonal coughs, colds and temperatures.
Some of the Learning this week
Father Christmas and his rocking reindeer came to visit and brought the children a present…he found out some of the things they wanted for Christmas which included ‘A real motorbike’, ‘a mouse’ and ‘sweeties!’ The children are now well prepared for Christmas eve and have all promised to go to bed early that night!
The children also really enjoyed their Christmas lunches beautifully prepared by Angela and Helen.
Angela made us all star biscuits
Christmas lunch in the Rainbow Room, all the children had made and decorated their own party hats for the occasion
Davina shared the Christmas story with the children in music yesterday using Russian dolls of all the characters including the Shepherds and Kings
The cast of ‘Whatever Next’ entertaining the children
Everyone enjoying their parties with special food kindly brought in by all the parents – thank you all!
Our singing session with all the children in the Rainbow Room enjoying some favourite seasonal and festive songs
Dates for your diary:
Friday 20th December – Last day of term Monday 6th January – The Centre is closed for a training day Tuesday 7th January – First day of Spring Term
Applying for Reception places – Please remember the deadline for applications is 15th January 2025
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas break and Happy 2025!
Alex and all at Homerton
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