Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

10th February 2025


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents


I am sending out the bulletin early this week in order to remind you about our Communication, Language and Literacy workshop which is taking place tomorrow evening at 7.30pm. Please do come along if you can.

Parent Workshop on Communication, Language and Literacy

Come and find out how we support and promote the development of communication, language and literacy in young children and what you can do to help at home.




Venue: Homerton Early Years Centre

Rainbow Room

Date: Tuesday 11th February

Time: 7.30pm-8.45pm


This week on Wednesday and Thursday we are putting on a play version of the story of Goldilocks and Three Bears for the children to enjoy. Thank you to all the staff who are taking part and bringing this ‘Core Book’ story to life for us. I am sure you will be hearing about it from your children.


We will also be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday with the children which will be a good opportunity for them to focus on card making and writing messages to loved ones.


I have been alerted to a couple of lovely music resources which you might like to enjoy with your children. The first is a series of books called ‘The Story Orchestra’ which has stories set to the music of a number of composers which can be played by pressing the interactive button on the page. There is one for example of ‘The Planets’, with music by Holst another for ‘The Nutcracker’ with music by Tchaikovsky etc.  We have bought some for the Centre and the children are really enjoying them.


The BBC Philharmonic Orchestra have also teamed up with CBeebies to present stories to orchestral music which our children have been enjoying. Please look at the link below for the story of the Chinese New Year.  There are also a number of other traditional tales in the series.




Next week is half term for us, holiday club is running for those children who are already booked in. Thank you to Mel, Bridget and all the team for running this club.


After half term we have a quite a number of events for both children and parents to enjoy – I just wanted to highlight a few so you can get the dates in your diaries early – Please look at the Diary date section below.




Medical Update: We have had a number of children with high temperatures, which have come on suddenly, this week. Your help in keeping children off for a full 24 hours after they have no temperature, is much appreciated. We have also had some diarrhoea and sickness, so again your help in keeping children off for a full 48 hours after their last bout of illness in order not to spread it.
Some of the Learning this week

Today’s photos are all from East Room’s visit from The Learning Bus. Every class went on either Wednesday and Thursday last week.  The children had a really fun time and learnt all about their bodies and how to keep themselves healthy and well.  Louise, the teacher, particularly talked about the importance of eating health foods, drinking either milk or water, exercising and breathing fresh air into our lungs. 

We also had the chance to reflect on the importance of sleep and rest to help us grow. Louise was able to darken the bus so we could all have a rest lying down,  and look up at the magical twinkling stars on the ceiling of the bus.

We also met Harold the Giraffe, who is a very realistic hand puppet. The children helped him with his washing routines, shampooing, washing and combing his hair, as well as helping him to do his teeth. At the end Harold thanked all the children for looking after him so well.


Children helped Harold the Giraffe by washing his face with a flannel and soap


Children helped Harold brush his teeth with a pea sized amount of toothpaste           


They also helped him wash and shampoo his hair before combing out his mane



We learnt all about our bones, lungs and heart and where they can be found in our bodies                                       


We sang some songs all about how we are all individual, special and unique as well as singing ‘Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes’                            


Children were able to thank Harold for visiting and say goodbye to him before leaving the bus



Dates for your diary


Half Term holiday 17th– 21st February 2025 – holiday club will be running this week so please book your children in.

Term restarts on Monday 24th February 2025

Saturday 1st March – St David’s Day and the start of Ramadan

Tuesday 4th March 2025 – Shrove Tuesday so time to make pancakes

Week beginning Monday 3rd of March –World Book Day/Week

Week beginning 3rd March Parent Consultations for Nursery children in East, South and West Rooms – please sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside your child’s room.

Friday 14th March – Holi Spring Festival begins

Monday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day

Tuesday 18th March – 7.30pm-8.45pm Maths workshop – for parents led by Mitali Peckham our East Room teacher – so please book a babysitter and come along.


Wednesday 26th March 8.45-9.30am – Eggstravaganza – Parent and child event focusing on life cycles held in the main Nursery garden for all parents and children to attend.

Wednesday 2nd April 9.30-10.30 – Coffee Morning with Bernie our special Educational Needs Coordinator

Wednesday 2nd April – Easter Raffle – Please donate a raffle prize for this event if you can, some ideas for this might be – Colouring books, Crayons, New Toys, Books, Eggs, Smellies.


Friday 4th April – Term ends Holiday club will be running the following week



Reminders/Requests: Please can you all help us by not parking across our neighbours driveways. Sadly I have had photographic evidence sent to me of two drivers of car registration numbers BL61 DM0 and BD09 ZXP by a neighbour.  Your help in this matter is much appreciated.
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