Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin

30th November 2022


Message from the Head Teacher:


Dear Parents and Carers


              An Invitation


Every child is invited to bring a special adult (it could be a parent, relative, godparent, friend..) to our

Christmas Story Trail on Wednesday 7th December 8.45 – 9.30am

We invite you to:

·         Arrive with your child between 8.45 – 9.15am

·         Take your child on the story trail in the garden, joining in the things to see, hear, do and taste

·         Settle your child for the rest of his/her session before you leave

You will complete the trail in about 10 minutes from your arrival time, and then enjoy a drink and biscuit made by the children in the classroom.

Any queries please speak to your class staff.



Please do come along to our special event that really brings to life the Christmas story for all the children who see it. A big thank you to all the volunteers who are taking part this year. Nest parents please do come and join in, whether your child is here on Wednesday, or not. Please come through the Nursery gate, next to the park for the trail, and then take your child to the Nest for their session after you have finished going around with them, or return home if it is not your session time.

Bob, our caretaker, has also been busy this week putting up very pretty twinkly lights in our corridors, for the children and staff to enjoy.

Tracey has been busy wrapping raffle boxes too – thank you to all of you for your generous donations.

Father Christmas has been in touch and is hoping to pop in next week to see the children. Please keep this as a surprise for them.


Covid/Medical Update: Thankfully I have not heard of anymore Covid cases this week


Some of the Learning this week


One of the special roles children take on here at Homerton is being ‘Homerton Owl’ for the day.  Children sometimes find the owl badge attached to their name card at the start of their session, which is always exciting for them.  Jobs for the Homerton owl include changing the ‘STOP’ and ‘GO’ signs on the doors at garden time, taking the lunch registers to Angela our cook, leading the children to, and from lunch, or out of the Centre when going to the park or allotment. The Homerton Owl for the day also sits on a special chair next to teacher who is leading Circle time and helps them by holding props etc.  As part of the Circle time phonic session daily they collect their name card from our magnetic boards and show it to the group, focusing in particular on the initial letter sound of their name. The class then think of other objects that start with the same letter sound. All of these activities are important in helping children develop both independence and confidence skills, as well as early phonic knowledge, leading eventually to developing early reading skills.





   Our Homerton Owl changes the door sign ready to lead the children in the class outside.


Sharing a birthday and telling the class about an owl visit to home over the weekend.


The Nest children have been sharing the story The Smartest Giant in Town and using props to bring it to life.


                        What sounds can we make with our different drums?


Circle times are a valuable whole class teaching time, focusing on a story, mathematical activity, song or game.  We also use Circle Time to help children develop their emotional understanding and support the development of shared behavioural expectations, within the group.  Currently classes are using some of the Circle time to learn some Christmas songs which are to be sung at the Story trail and on our Christmas party day.



The pictures below are mainly of children enjoying themselves outside after last week’s heavy rain. As you can see the children are loving learning about the world around them whilst jumping in the puddles with friends, collecting rainwater in jugs, sailing boats in the puddles, and doing a little cooking in the mud kitchen. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is all about giving children learning experiences, both inside and out, in all weathers, so having the right clothing and spare clothes is important.

Please can you help us by ensuring that your children have spare named clothes in their bags, as well as waterproof clothing and boots, so they can really enjoy these outdoor learning opportunities comfortably.  Class staff quickly change children if they get wet outside.


How much of a splash can we make if we jump together?


                                               Can the boat float in the puddle?


How can I make a cake from mud and water? How can I use this puddle to fill a jug with water?




                         Can I catch a bubble as Laura blows them?



Having fun driving my car on the wet roads of the Nest garden




Dates for your diary:


Wednesday 7th December – Christmas Story trail for parents and children around the garden 8.45am-9.30am – East Blue children, and any children from the Nest who attend on a different day/time, please come in to enjoy this event with everyone. 


Wednesday 14th December – Party day, which is just for the children.

Wednesday 14th December – Christmas raffle with tickets sold on the day so please bring cash with you on that day.

Tuesday 20th December – Last day of term

Wednesday 4th January – First day of Spring Term


Holiday Activity Funding and Food vouchers

If you think you are eligible for HAF funding for your child please apply for this directly via HAF funding.


Applying for Reception places – Please remember the deadline for applications is 15th January 2023


PARKING PLEA Please remember to be considerate to our neighbours by NOT parking in front of driveways, or on pavements, even when just dropping off your child for a few minutes. Allowing a little more time in the morning to park slightly further away from the Centre would be much appreciated, both by us, and our neighbours, who have been in contact with me recently about this issue.


With Best wishes


Alex Pearson


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