Homerton Weekly Bulletin 11th July 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are having a busy and fun end of term with our butterflies being released as they complete their life cycle.

We are looking forward to our Summer Celebration on the 17th so please do have that one in your diary and come along if you can.

Sadly the end of term sees two members of staff leaving us.  Harriet Riches who leads our Nest provision is having a change of career and hoping to go travelling in the future.  She has been with us for 5 years and done a fantastic job making the Nest into the warm, welcoming and attractive place it is for children today.  She will be very much missed by children and staff.

Kelly Wolfe, who is one of our cleaners, is also starting a new job which will fit in better with her family.  She does a great job cleaning up after us all at the end of the day and we wish her and her family well in the future.

We will be looking for a new cleaner so if anyone knows of anyone who would be interested in this job it is 4.30-7.30 daily please do come and see me or Roy.

Our plant sale raised a fantastic £96.00 which we will put towards planting projects with the children in the coming year…. Thank you.


Wednesday 17th July –Summer Celebration Event for Nursery Children, their parents and siblings

Please come and join your child at Homerton on Wednesday 17th July for a summer celebration and an opportunity to say goodbye for the children who will be leaving to go onto school. Play in the garden, or classes, with your child and then we all join together to sing our favourite songs and enjoy an ice lolly! Timings for this are either 10.30-11.45am or 2.30-3.45pm.

Goodbye Event for Nest children – Please note change of plan.

Children in The Nest will now be joining the Nursery children to sing in the Nursery Garden at 11am and 3pm on Wednesday 17th July. If parents would like to come in and play with their children in the Nest at 10.30 or 2.30 prior to the singing they are very welcome.

Best wishes

Alex and all the Homerton Staff


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