Dear Parents,
The children are really enjoying the sunnier weather and the cherry tree in the main garden is looking beautiful so hopefully Summer is around the corner. Our photographer Helen has been able to take some lovely photos of children out in the garden this week.
Here are just a few date reminders for things coming up which I mentioned in the recent newsletter.
• Saturday 28th April – International day lunch 12.30-2.30pm. This is a lovely opportunity to try food from our International community and to see Irish dancing, and Chinese poetry reading! Get your ticket from the office if you haven’t already done so – all proceeds go to Clic Sargent a children’s cancer charity.
• Thursday 3rd May – Writing workshop at 1.15-2.30pm and repeated again at 7.15pm-8.30pm. An informative event to find out how we encourage writing at Homerton with lots of practical tips and ideas.
• Wednesday 9th May – Really Wheelie Trail. This is a really fun parent governor event. It is for the Nursery children only. Children are sponsored by family and friends to cycle/trike or push a buggy around the Nursery garden a number of times. This event is just for the children but if any parents would like to volunteer to help record the laps please sign your name up on the sheet outside your child’s classroom, you would need to be free from 9am-11am. Money raised will go towards funding equipment for the children.
• Wednesday 9th May – South Room Cake stall…The cake stall takes place on the same day as the Really Wheelie so please bring some money to buy cakes, if you are able to please bake as well!
• Wednesday 16th May – The Bear Hunt – Come and accompany your child on a magical Bear Hunt around the garden at drop off time. Invitations will be sent out shortly.
Best wishes from all at Homerton

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