Dear Parents
Hope you are all ok in these strange times.
The children here seem to be playing happily and enjoying their time with us getting to know class staff and their new friends.
All the children have enjoyed a music session today with Rachel who is our very talented music teacher – her sessions are always a real treat for children and staff alike.
I have also been spending time with children having lunches in the Rainbow Room and Nest this week.
Due to Covid 19 precautions and restrictions we are now serving lunch for East Room in their classroom. This means all the children in the Centre can have lunch at the same time and it can be more relaxed.
I am really pleased to say that all the children I have seen are enjoying their lunches and eating well. Class staff would always feedback to you if your child hasn’t eaten very much.
The lunch usually has a hot element to it and there is always a serving of fruit and veg both at lunch and snack times throughout the day.
After half term we may be able to change the menu a little, but keeping discreet bubbles of children together, has to be the priority still which presents a bit more of a challenge.
Please find attached two posters from the Local Authority which I hope will make it easier to decide whether your child needs a Covid test.
You received an email earlier today so do sign up for the Easy Peasy App which has fun games to encourage and develop communication skills in young children.
Curriculum Information for Homerton
Here at Homerton we follow what is called The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which goes right through to the end a child’s time in their Primary school Reception class. It covers a broad range of what are known as the Prime areas of learning which are Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development, and Physical Development. At 3-4 years then the Specific areas of Literacy, Maths, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design are also focused on in greater depth.
We also use a document called Development Matters which outlines the kind of things children would be saying, or doing, at various stages of their young lives between birth to 5. The more parent friendly version of this document is called ‘What to Expect When’.
If you want to learn a bit more about any of these documents you will easily find them through a google or similar search.
As always please don’t hesitate to get in contact with class staff or myself if you have any queries at all.
With Best wishes from us all

When to Self Isolate
Recognising Coronavirus
Poster for Parents (PDF)