Dear Parents
The children are doing so well settling in and getting to know each other and class staff and getting used to routines etc.
A big thank you to all of you for your help with this and for assisting in us all staying Covid safe – please continue to keep socially distanced at drop off and pick up.
I am re-attaching the information from the Local Authority about what to do if your child has any of the Coronavirus symptoms. I have had advice from the Local Authority that test booking slots at Milton are released between 8.00-8.30, both morning and evening, so I hope that helps when trying to book a test.
It remains very much the case that we need to continue to follow the guidelines to keep our classes and the whole community safe.
If your child has a birthday then please do bring in a treat if you wish – either special fruit that can easily be peeled /washed or cakes/biscuits in their original packaging.
Please remember due to allergies we are a nut free school.
If you prefer to donate a book for the class to share that is also a great idea as class staff can then read it a Circle times.
Please let class staff know if someone they haven’t met before is collecting your child. A photo shown to staff, or sent to the office, before pick up would be much appreciated.
We have had a request from a number of parents for the early pick up time to change from 3.00 pm to 2.40pm in order not to clash with Morley pick up. So from now on pick up in the afternoon is either 2.40pm or 3.45pm. I hope this will suit most parents.
Best wishes
Alex and all at Homerton

Quick Guide For Parents
Word Doc
Self Isolation
A quick guide for parents (Word Doc)
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