Weekly Bulletin 7 July 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 6th July 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: Dear Parents, Today you will start to receive your children’s Special Books and Summary Reports.  The Special Books are a lovely record of your child’s time here...

Weekly Bulletin 30 June 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 30th June 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: Dear Parents, Please be aware that Covid cases are on the increase in the Centre currently. If your child has a cough, cold or temperature then we would really...

Weekly Bulletin 23 June 2022

Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 23rd June 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: Dear Parents, As we reach our last four weeks of term we are continuing to enjoy lots of fun activities.  This week we have had our Nursery trips to Nightingale park, a...

Weekly Bulletin 16 June 2022

  Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 16th June 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: During this hot spell of weather please can we request that all your children have sun cream put on at home before starting Nursery and that they come with a...

Weekly Bulletin 9 June 2022

Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 9th June 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: I hope you all had a good half term and Jubilee celebrations.  Our holiday club had a lot of fun celebrating this event here at Homerton.   Dear Parents and Carers, We...

Weekly Bulletin 26 May 2022

Homerton Early Years Centre – Weekly Bulletin 26th May 2022   Message from the Head Teacher: This half term has gone past very quickly and been full of fun Summer activities. Today is also Mother’s Day in Poland so a very happy mother’s day to all our Polish...
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