Cake Sale – Wednesday 8 November 2017

Dear Parents   Just a reminder that tomorrow is East Room Cake Sale.  Parents from East room will be bringing in cakes for parents to buy – so don’t forget your money!!   Also there will be a tombola stall of soft toys – so please have a go!   Kind...

School Fund

Dear Parent’s   We aim to offer the best provision at Homerton for your children. Part of this depends on enriching children’s experiences with visits to the park, visits to the allotment, planting and cooking together, a Christmas party, an end of year celebratory...

Weekly Newsletter 19.10.17

Dear Parents   Homerton Weekly News October 12th   Half term 23rd-27th Oct. We reopen for all children on Tuesday 31st October as Monday 30th we are closed for a staff training day.   Wednesday 18th October is Wear it Pink or Red day which is for...
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