Dear Parents Now that the weather is a bit warmer (for now!) and a lot of children have been at Homerton for a while, many of them are experimenting with our two-wheeled bikes and balance bikes. In order to stay safe on these we encourage children to wear a helmet but...

Bear Hunt

Thank you to all the families who came on ‘The Bear Hunt’, with us around the garden on 16th May. We had a great time going through the ‘swishy swashy’, grass and squelching through the mud. The children then enjoyed returning to the classrooms to eat a well earned...

International Day Celebrations

    We held our annual International Day celebrations to raise money for Clic Sargent on Saturday 6 May.  We had a great day with lots of families bringing delicious food to share from around the world. We were also entertained by Irish and Chinese dancers,...
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